Monday, October 29, 2012
The Social Issues Matter~ Part 2 GLBT
Anyone that tells you that the social issues don't matter really doesn't know very much about the social issues in my opinion. They need to wake up and really educate themselves on what really matters, because all the money and jobs in the world don't mean anything if part of your population is being treated like garbage or second class citizens.
The first line of the second paragraph of our Declaration of Independence says it all~
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. What a concept, we are all created equally and we have unalienable right, endowed by God. Yeah, God gave everyone those same rights, because you know what? If God exists then he created all people, not just the straight ones. My understanding of the many religions that I have studied is that God doesn't make mistakes so don't try and tell me that GLBT people are a mistake. If you say that they are not created by God, and that God doesn't make mistakes and that God created all of us in the same argument, then I think you are thoroughly confused. Also, I have the understanding that we are all Gods children and that God loves us all. That should be the end of it, unfortunately its not. Whether you agree with me or not shouldn't even matter because the first amendment states that~ No law shall be enacted respecting an establishment of religion, Or prohibiting the exercise thereof. Therefor, you cannot use your religion to deny the GLBT community rights. I don't care if you think it is against your religion or not, your religion has no place in politics and the making of laws. (see my post about the separation of church and state)
Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals and Transgender people are PEOPLE!!!
This is a huge part of our population. Different studies show that anywhere from 10-20% of the population identify themselves in this group. That's HUGE!! You might not realize it but many of the people that you know identify themselves in this group. If you know me, then guess what, you know someone in this group. I can tell you that it is not a trend, it is not a fad, it is not a choice, it IS however, something that you are born with. I identify myself as Bisexual. I have always been attracted to both sexes, I have dated and loved both men and women. The fact that I married a guy had more to do with timing than anything else. My husband happened to be the person that I came into contact with and fell in love with at the time. But if the timing had been different in some of my previous relationships, or if I hadn't met my husband, I might have a completely different life right now, with a woman. I am attracted to both sexes and honestly, I was more often attracted to women than men. (That should tell you just how amazing my husband is!)
This is part of why I am such a huge supporter of Gay rights and Gay marriage. It could have been me. I have friends that belong in this group as well. In loving partnerships with their Husbands and Wives and Partners. They often have better relationships than many of the "normal" marriages. (I use the term normal lightly) One of my best friends growing up has been with his Hubby for 12 or 13 years. I know Hetero people that are on their 2nd and 3rd marriages in the same amount of time. Yet I hear over and over and over how gay marriage is going is going to ruin the sanctity of marriage?! I have no idea what those people are talking about! I think that the reason that Gay relationships might be working better is because the people involved really know themselves. I think that often people in straight relationships have yet to fully understand themselves and so cannot fully and properly commit to their partners. I'm not saying that is always the case, but it does happen often enough to make me wonder. And this BS about the sanctity of marriage just makes my blood boil because the people that I see ruining "the sanctity of marriage" are not GBLT, they are the ones speaking out against it! If you have been married 3 or 4 times, then you have no right to throw that argument out there. Seriously!?! Where do these people get off and why do people listen to them?!?
Sorry, I went off on a Rant..
Moving on.. This wonderful group of people have families and children. We have the same capacity to love and a bigger capacity for acceptance then most of the "normal" people. Mainly because we know what it is like to be "different" or an "outsider." But you know what, we shouldn't have to deal with that, we shouldn't be categorized, our rights shouldn't be categorized, WE ARE PEOPLE, people! Its as simple as that, we aren't a different species, we are human beings. We may live our lives differently but that doesn't make us any less human and we have a right to have our HUMAN RIGHTS GRANTED. We have a right to love whoever we fall in love with, we have a right raise or families the way we choose to.
Yes, you see me including myself in this. Because I can relate, and heaven forbid anything should ever happen to my husband, I have no idea who I might fall in love with. Could be anyone, and whether it be a woman or a man, I would hope that I would be able to love them openly and that it would be accepted. Love is Love is Love. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, should be able to love openly and honestly and without inhibition, and they should not be looked down on, or bullied because of it.
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness belong to everyone in this country. The Declaration of Independence tell us so.
The Social Issues Matter ~ Part 1~ Separation of Church and State
Separation of Church and State
This is a big one. It is the First Amendment of our Constitution for crying out loud!
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
Those are pretty powerful words.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
I keep repeating them, because they need to be repeated. No laws shall be formed respecting religion or prohibiting the exercise thereof You know what that means? You cannot shove your religion down my throat, and I cannot shove my religion down your throat. It also means that if I choose to live without religion, that's fine too, I have a right to be free from religion as well.
You can go to church, I think that's great, go to church, pray, break your bread, sing, confess, bond with your religious cohorts. That's fine! I'm not wanting to take that away from you, I think its great that you can worship how you choose. Just let me do the same, in peace, without being bullied because I pray differently than you do. I have that right. Also, don't try and make laws based on your religion, its not the only religion in this country, not the only one in this state, in this city or even on this block. There are MANY different religions and belief systems out there. Each one is valid and each has the same rights to pray and worship how they choose if they choose. You cannot use your religion to make laws that infringe on other peoples religious freedoms.
END. OF. STORY. Or it should be anyway, unfortunately, that seams to be a hard one to grasp. Even if you think that your religion is right and mine is wrong, we have no right to force our will on others. Guess what? There are countries that have religious law of the land. Where the fundamentalist have control of the government and they force their extreme religious views on the population. In these countries, you can be jailed for practicing a religion different then the "chosen" religion of that country. You can be Jailed, you can be killed, you can be denied your right to pray how you choose, you can be denied your right to an education, you can be denied your rights period. If you honestly think that it doesn't happen in this day and age you are wrong. Look at the Middle East and tell me that you want that here in America.
But guess what? It happens here in America. While it is illegal to persecute people in America for their beliefs, it happens anyway. After 911 this country went into fear mode, and we enacted laws to "protect" us. But in that fear we began to persecute many people that belong to the peaceful religion of Islam. Yes, it is a peaceful religion, there are a few jerks that have given it a bad name, but at the heart of it is a peaceful religion. Yet if you look like you might be from the middle east or go to temple, or pray, you become a target to those that don't understand, and have no interest in understanding. Recently here in Wisconsin we had a shooting in a Sikh Temple. These beautiful people in one of the most peaceful religions in existence were shot in their place of worship because someone misjudged them. How would you feel if someone did that to you in your place of worship? Yet we seam to be okay with continually teaching hate rather than tolerance. We tolerate people only so long as their beliefs are in line with ours, and that is a sad way to live. If more people stepped out of their comfort zone and learned about these other religions this world would be a much better place.
Many of you might not understand why this is so important to me, I am white girl in America, what could I possibly know about religious persecution. You couldn't be more wrong, I was raised in a small town in South Dakota where 99.99% of the population was some form of Christian. I was a Bah'a'i, another peaceful middle eastern religion. I was told many times that I was "Going to go to Hell" for my "Heathen ways." I was asked not to attend my best friends funeral because "your spirit might stall her progress to heaven." This is the kind of hate that I was on the receiving end of when I was growing up because I belonged to a different religion then they did. By the way, I was 11 when my best friend died, I was dealing with her death, she was one of the very few people in town that didn't treat me like crap, and rather than help me deal with my grief, I was basically told I was going to hell and I was going to drag my recently deceased friend with me if I went to her funeral. Guess what, I held my head high and went to her funeral anyway.
My point is, if you don't want me to tell you how to pray, then why do you think that its okay to tell me how to pray. If you want to live by your Gods laws or religious laws, then you do that, just don't try and make everyone else live by those same laws because not everyone has the same beliefs that you have. Respect the differences between us. Don't try and make laws based on your religious beliefs, because they are not the beliefs of everyone else. And don't claim religious persecution because you don't agree with a law that doesn't only address your religion. This countries laws aren't supposed to do that.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
Getting repetitive here, I know that, but I really need to hammer this home. If you want to follow your religious laws then go for it, but don't try and force those laws on everyone else!!!!!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Rape is not a Blessing
I am so fed up with so many people right now talking about a woman's health in the context of Rape.
I'm not only upset about the "leaders" and "legislators" that have been having Gaffs. Those guys are freaking nuts and have no idea what they are talking about and the fact that anyone gives them a second chance just lets you know how bad things are. But the fact of the matter is that they aren't the only ones making it hard on the victims of rape.
I can go on Facebook at any given time and find posts that are drawing attention to these idiots, but for the most part they are jokes. RAPE IS SERIOUS!!!! It is painful, it is heartbreaking, it is life changing and not usually in a good way. And if someone tells your that their rape was a blessing from God then they are delusional. I have heard that argument in the past, the douchbag in Indiana is not the first to throw that argument around, in fact I have had that argument thrown at me.
I was sexually abused. It wasn't fun. It wasn't a blessing. I didn't get pregnant so I guess I must have "shut that whole thing down" in the words of that douchbag in Missouri. Small favors I guess. It was definitely life changing, but not in a good way. I went into a downward spiral that almost killed me and I count myself lucky to have survived it. in no way, shape or form was it a blessing. I am still traumatized by it 15 years later. When I walk down the street I don't see friendly strangers that I haven't met yet, I see potential attackers. I rarely go anywhere alone any more, which is something that I used to do all the time to clear my head. And very rarely do I meet people that I immediately trust, if you are one of the few people that I have welcomed into my rather small circle, then you must be someone incredibly special, because I don't let people in, and I don't open up. And to many of you in this small circle, this whole post might be news to you, because I don't talk about it. Even typing this, I am crying and halfway through, I'm questioning whether I should even post this. I guess if your reading it then I did.
I didn't come forward when it first happened, because I didn't think anyone would believe me. I tried to drown away the pain with drugs and alcohol, and eventually I did block it out. Only to have my world come crashing down around me when I sobered up. I saw the most random thing and everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, came back to me. I tried to talk about it then, and sure enough I was met by disbelief. The person that did this to me was a "friend," a "nice guy," "he would never do that" and on and on. I'm still not sure that anyone believed me. It breaks my heart to think that my family and close friends were disbelieving of me. Many of those friendships that I cherished are lost or broken and will never be repaired. I know that some of these people didn't believe me because again, in the wonderful world of Facebook, I get to see it when MY friends comment on HIS posts. He's free, he was never brought to justice, he didn't lose anything, not even our mutual friends. It was easier for them to believe that I was a liar than it was to believe that he could be a monster. I didn't only lose myself that day, I lost everything and everyone that mattered to me. My relationships with my family were also damaged, though they are for the most part repaired at this point, I know that I still have trust issues because of the reactions that I got when I first spoke up. I hold back when I shouldn't hold back, I don't share everything that I should share, I don't do so many things that used to be so easy for me to do. I fear things and people that I shouldn't fear.
Its not fair that I have to go through this battle on a daily basis. Its not fair that I have to live with the fact that I'm not believed. Its not fair that the guy that did this to me can walk free and pretend that nothing ever happened. Its not fair that people can walk around spouting of about rape when they have NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT!!! Its not fair that I have to see it trivialized in Facebook and Twitter memes.
I wish that I was in a place where I could get over it, but I'm not. Obviously. There are no blessings in rape, not one. I can say without a doubt that if I had gotten pregnant from it, it wouldn't have been a blessing, it would have been a death sentence and I wouldn't have survived it. I barely survived it as it is.
I'm not only upset about the "leaders" and "legislators" that have been having Gaffs. Those guys are freaking nuts and have no idea what they are talking about and the fact that anyone gives them a second chance just lets you know how bad things are. But the fact of the matter is that they aren't the only ones making it hard on the victims of rape.
I can go on Facebook at any given time and find posts that are drawing attention to these idiots, but for the most part they are jokes. RAPE IS SERIOUS!!!! It is painful, it is heartbreaking, it is life changing and not usually in a good way. And if someone tells your that their rape was a blessing from God then they are delusional. I have heard that argument in the past, the douchbag in Indiana is not the first to throw that argument around, in fact I have had that argument thrown at me.
I was sexually abused. It wasn't fun. It wasn't a blessing. I didn't get pregnant so I guess I must have "shut that whole thing down" in the words of that douchbag in Missouri. Small favors I guess. It was definitely life changing, but not in a good way. I went into a downward spiral that almost killed me and I count myself lucky to have survived it. in no way, shape or form was it a blessing. I am still traumatized by it 15 years later. When I walk down the street I don't see friendly strangers that I haven't met yet, I see potential attackers. I rarely go anywhere alone any more, which is something that I used to do all the time to clear my head. And very rarely do I meet people that I immediately trust, if you are one of the few people that I have welcomed into my rather small circle, then you must be someone incredibly special, because I don't let people in, and I don't open up. And to many of you in this small circle, this whole post might be news to you, because I don't talk about it. Even typing this, I am crying and halfway through, I'm questioning whether I should even post this. I guess if your reading it then I did.
I didn't come forward when it first happened, because I didn't think anyone would believe me. I tried to drown away the pain with drugs and alcohol, and eventually I did block it out. Only to have my world come crashing down around me when I sobered up. I saw the most random thing and everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, came back to me. I tried to talk about it then, and sure enough I was met by disbelief. The person that did this to me was a "friend," a "nice guy," "he would never do that" and on and on. I'm still not sure that anyone believed me. It breaks my heart to think that my family and close friends were disbelieving of me. Many of those friendships that I cherished are lost or broken and will never be repaired. I know that some of these people didn't believe me because again, in the wonderful world of Facebook, I get to see it when MY friends comment on HIS posts. He's free, he was never brought to justice, he didn't lose anything, not even our mutual friends. It was easier for them to believe that I was a liar than it was to believe that he could be a monster. I didn't only lose myself that day, I lost everything and everyone that mattered to me. My relationships with my family were also damaged, though they are for the most part repaired at this point, I know that I still have trust issues because of the reactions that I got when I first spoke up. I hold back when I shouldn't hold back, I don't share everything that I should share, I don't do so many things that used to be so easy for me to do. I fear things and people that I shouldn't fear.
Its not fair that I have to go through this battle on a daily basis. Its not fair that I have to live with the fact that I'm not believed. Its not fair that the guy that did this to me can walk free and pretend that nothing ever happened. Its not fair that people can walk around spouting of about rape when they have NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT!!! Its not fair that I have to see it trivialized in Facebook and Twitter memes.
I wish that I was in a place where I could get over it, but I'm not. Obviously. There are no blessings in rape, not one. I can say without a doubt that if I had gotten pregnant from it, it wouldn't have been a blessing, it would have been a death sentence and I wouldn't have survived it. I barely survived it as it is.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
I Pledge Allegiance
Recently my 1st grader came home with an assignment about the pledge of allegiance. They were breaking it down so that it was easier for them to understand. What a fantastic idea! Brilliant, we should all be reminded of what we have pledged pretty much our entire lives as Americans. Remember what ideas our country was built on.
I Pledge Allegiance
I pledge allegiance
the loyalty of a subject to their governing body
to the flag
the symbol of our country
of the United States of America
each state has joined the United States of America
and to the Republic
a republic is a country where the people choose , or vote others to make laws for them -- the
government is of the people by the people and for the people. we all have a say in Washington.
for which it stands,
this would mean all of us, the government represents us
one nation
our nation
under God,
this is up for debate since it was added in the past century, but essentially there is a supreme
or God
we can not be divided!!!
with Liberty
being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on ones way of life
and Justice
being fair and reasonable
for all.
So, if I am to understand this pledge, that we have all said at one point in our lives or another, our government should represent us all. Not just the business owners, not just the wealthy, not just the religious, but EVERYONE!
Guess what?
That means that they need to represent the Poor, the Disabled, the Uneducated, the Atheists, and they absolutely must represent the Gay, Lesbian, Transgender and Bisexuals as well. All these groups of PEOPLE, that so many other PEOPLE want to write off have the right to be treated fairly. Its a part of that whole Liberty and Justice for all thing (see above). Why are so many of us so quick to forget that everyone should have the same rights?
If the pledge of allegiance isn't enough, then maybe we should look at the constitution. I chose to deconstruct this because people seam to be more familiar with it then the constitution. But guess what is coming soon?
I Pledge Allegiance
I pledge allegiance
the loyalty of a subject to their governing body
to the flag
the symbol of our country
of the United States of America
each state has joined the United States of America
and to the Republic
a republic is a country where the people choose , or vote others to make laws for them -- the
government is of the people by the people and for the people. we all have a say in Washington.
for which it stands,
this would mean all of us, the government represents us
one nation
our nation
under God,
this is up for debate since it was added in the past century, but essentially there is a supreme
or God
we can not be divided!!!
with Liberty
being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on ones way of life
and Justice
being fair and reasonable
for all.
So, if I am to understand this pledge, that we have all said at one point in our lives or another, our government should represent us all. Not just the business owners, not just the wealthy, not just the religious, but EVERYONE!
Guess what?
That means that they need to represent the Poor, the Disabled, the Uneducated, the Atheists, and they absolutely must represent the Gay, Lesbian, Transgender and Bisexuals as well. All these groups of PEOPLE, that so many other PEOPLE want to write off have the right to be treated fairly. Its a part of that whole Liberty and Justice for all thing (see above). Why are so many of us so quick to forget that everyone should have the same rights?
If the pledge of allegiance isn't enough, then maybe we should look at the constitution. I chose to deconstruct this because people seam to be more familiar with it then the constitution. But guess what is coming soon?
Monday, October 15, 2012
Will Murdoch buy Penguin?
Murdoch may buy Penguin books.
It believe that Penguin is the only publisher who has editions of Capital currently in print. Somehow I find it probably that they will fall out of print if Murdoch acquires Penguin. I'm not suggesting that Murdoch is buying Penguin with that expressed purpose, but things just seem to work out that way.
It believe that Penguin is the only publisher who has editions of Capital currently in print. Somehow I find it probably that they will fall out of print if Murdoch acquires Penguin. I'm not suggesting that Murdoch is buying Penguin with that expressed purpose, but things just seem to work out that way.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
The Perfect Crime

It is jaw-dropping that the nominee of a major political party can lie so completely and consistently... and get away with it. No matter how easily fact-checkers can debunk the crap romney spewed, no matter how many times he contradicted himself within the debate and compared to his, oft-rebooted, campaign; somehow the republican brand just refuses to suffer for it. One "good" night and somehow this liar stepped over enough shredded reality to climb back into contention. The gloom on the left was thick enough to cut with a knife.
The first presidential debate should have been the perfect chance for the incumbent president to finally put this plutocratic, morally bankrupt member of the 1% back in his mansion to play with his car elevator, dancing horse, and whatever other completely superfluous, superficial rich guy toys he has. Then perhaps, just maybe we can finally get back to fixing the mess romney and his ilk inflicted on the American people. But, several factors were working against President Obama.

First, it was his anniversary.
Second, the sitting president has actual responsibilities.
Finally, the fascist gop booby-trapped the debate.
![I went to a number of fact-checking pages and found that they all exhibit some form of bias... usually by leaving out some of the candidate statements they checked that were a little iffy.
If you want a complete picture, read the links below:
"$716 BILLION MEDICARE CUT. The number is an estimate from the Congressional Budget Office of how much Medicare spending can be reduced between 2013 and 2022 by making health care more efficient for seniors. Romney calls it cuts, Obama calls it savings. This article from the Washington Post, citing Harvard professor John McDonough’s great book “Inside National Health Reform,” explains it well."
"50 percent of doctors will stop taking Medicare patients because Obamacare reduces payments by $716 billion over 10 years: This claim comes from a very small and informal poll. From a Forbes article in August:
“Steve Daniels, a reporter with WTVD, led an investigation into problems with Medicare access in North Carolina. A team of volunteers used the ‘mystery shopper’ method, posing as Medicare beneficiaries looking for a new doctor. Of the 200 family physicians they called, nearly half said that they were no longer accepting new Medicare patients.”"
"Romney adamantly rejects idea he has proposed more tax cuts for the wealthy and that he wants to lower individual tax rates because it could benefit small business. While this is much debated, Romney’s plan would cut taxes but also eliminate tax deductions, which he has said make it revenue neutral. The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center has drawn a different conclusion, saying it would decrease taxes for the wealthy but increase taxes for the middle class."
"Do lower tax rates lead to more jobs? Here’s what Paul Egerman, founder of the digital medical transcription company eScription, told the Globe in April:
He estimated that tax cuts under President George W. Bush have saved him roughly $10 million over the last decade and asserted the money has helped no one but himself. “It’s not like I took the tax cuts and went out and hired people,” Egerman said."
"Romney’s $5 trillion tax cut: The figure comes from an analysis of Romney’s tax plan by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center."
"Romney claimed that middle-income Americans are spending $2,500 more for health care now than they did when Obama took office in 2008. While Americans are spending more for their insurance and overall health spending since 2008, the difference is closer to $1,000, not $2,500"
"Obama also twisted the truth when he repeated the claim that his proposals would reduce the 10-year deficit by $4 trillion. In fact, the Congressional Budget Office found that Obama’s budget would increase cumulative deficits by well over $2 trillion over that time period.
But the CBO bases its measurements on a metric that assumes the expiration of all the Bush-era tax cuts and the implementation of significant across-the-board spending cuts--an incredibly unlikely scenario politically. Obama takes his number from the left-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Politifact points out in its own fact-check, and the center uses a more flattering baseline to compare the results of his policies to an extension of the status quo.
Compared to a baseline drafted by the independent Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, though, Obama’s proposals would save about $2.4 trillion over 10 years. The remaining savings would come from the deficit reduction included in the debt-ceiling deal last summer, not Obama’s policies."
"Romney’s claim that Obama’s health reform law includes a Medicare board that can “tell people ultimately what kind of treatments they can have” was one of the biggest whoppers of the night. It’s a line that Republicans used during debate on the health reform law, when they regularly and inaccurately called the Medicare spending board a “death panel.”
Under the Affordable Care Act, the Medicare board would have the job of keeping Medicare spending within a specific target: GDP plus 1 percent by 2020. The board, which would be appointed by the president and approved by the Senate, is explicitly restricted from directly cutting Medicare benefits. In other words, they must cut hospital, doctor, and nursing home payment rates, and they are not allowed to restrict what kinds of treatments those providers can offer to treat seniors."
"Obama said Romney’s plan would result in “effectively a 30 percent cut” in the federal health program that covers health care for poor children and seniors receiving long-term care. Romney wants to give states complete control over their Medicaid spending (currently the federal government sets a lot of rules for Medicaid spending, because it contributes an average of half of the Medicare dollars in each state), and has pledged to hold spending to 20 percent of GDP.
According to the CBO, giving states total control of just a portion of Medicaid—often called “block granting”—would cut lots of money from the program. The federal government would save $287 billion over 10 years if long-term Medicaid care was given straight to states, more than Medicaid spent in total in 2010. The liberal Center for Budget and Policy Priorities estimates that for Romney to reach his pledge to keep spending within the 20 percent of GDP threshold, Medicaid would have to be reduced by at least 44 percent by 2022."
"At one point, the candidates sparred over whether business owners can currently take advantage of a tax credit to “send jobs overseas.”
Obama’s claim that such a credit exists is partly true, as Politifact found in its investigation of a similar issue last year: Business owners can deduct the costs of closing down U.S. operations as standard business expenses as they move to foreign-based operations."
"Romney says he will create 12 million new jobs during his first term. The Washington Post examined this claim after Romney’s speech at the Republican National Convention and concluded it “is a fairly safe bet by Romney, even if he has a somewhat fuzzy plan for action.” “…[T]he number is less impressive than it sounds. This pledge amounts to an average of 250,000 jobs a month, a far cry from the 500,000 jobs a month that Romney claimed would be created in a ‘normal recovery.’ In recent months, the economy has averaged about 150,000 jobs a month,” the Post said.
Moody’s Analytics expects the economy to gain 12 million jobs by 2016 no matter who wins in November."
"Independent analysts say Romney’s numbers don’t add up. The rate cuts and other changes he’s proposing would indeed total almost $5 trillion over 10 years, and though he said Wednesday he’d pay for those cuts by reducing deductions and credits, a study by the Tax Policy Center found that it was “mathematically impossible” to cover the $5 trillion reduction by eliminating tax breaks solely on high-income taxpayers."
"Romney’s health care plan covers “individuals with pre-existing conditions who maintain continuous coverage.” That’s an important caveat: It doesn’t help sick people who have had a break in coverage or couldn’t get it before. It’s also fairly close to what the law already provided before “Obamacare” — people who moved from job to job were already covered.
Romney’s advisers have said he would expand those protections to the individual and small group markets, so his plan would go beyond current law. But there’s another significant issue his plan hasn’t addressed: Coverage can be expensive for people with pre-existing conditions, and he hasn’t said how he would make sure they don’t get charged premiums they can’t afford."
"Romney has said he’d repeal the 2010 Dodd-Frank reform law. Wednesday he argued that this was in part because he didn’t think the law was tough enough because it’s actually a gift to big banks by setting up a system that could bail them out in the future.
But Dodd-Frank provides no promise that too-big-to-fail banks will be bailed out. Only Congress could take such a step by passing a new law like TARP — and there is almost no chance of that happening, since the law has remained politically unpopular since it passed in 2008.
Romney seems to be hanging his argument on the idea that big banks do get some benefits under the law by virtue of new regulation. The law singles out large banks for increased regulation and oversight by regulators. This special treatment includes a new process, run by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., for liquidating the biggest banks if they were to run into trouble outside of bankruptcy courts. This translates into lower borrowing costs for these banks, the argument goes, because markets believe that if one of these banks wobbled, the government would ultimately step in and bail out investors as Washington did during the financial crisis.
But critics of Wall Street say Dodd-Frank actually does crack down on the big banks — and want the law kept in place for that reason."
Romney: “I think about half of [the green energy projects the federal government has] invested in, have gone out of business. A number of them happened to be owned by people who are contributors to your campaigns.”
"Not quite half. Not even close. Of the 26 winners of Department of Energy loan guarantees under the stimulus, a total of three have gone belly up: Solyndra, Abound Solar and Beacon Power.
Several of the others, in fact, have thrived, including the maker of a Kansas cellulosic ethanol plant and one of the world’s largest wind projects in Oregon. About a dozen of the companies just got their awards in the fall of 2011, so the projects are still getting off the ground.
Romney’s campaign explained that he was including other troubled stimulus grant winners in his claim, including Raser Technologies, a Utah company that filed for bankruptcy protection despite winning $33 million in stimulus grants and ECOtality, an electric vehicle charging station manufacturer and developer that has acknowledged its under an SEC investigation.
Then there’s Solyndra. Not only was the loss huge — $535 million in taxpayer money to the now bankrupt California solar company — but the ties to the Obama campaign are deep. One of its private investors, George Kaiser, was an Obama ’08 bundler, though none of the internal emails released by the administration have showed favoritism toward the Tulsa oil billionaire. Other campaign contributors landed jobs handling stimulus money for the Energy Department, but they weren’t owners of any of the winning companies."
"The rise in health insurance premiums has not been the slowest in 50 years, as Obama stated. Far from it. And there are not 23 million unemployed, as Romney asserted."
"OBAMA: “I’ve proposed a specific $4 trillion deficit reduction plan. … The way we do it is $2.50 for every cut, we ask for $1 in additional revenue.”
THE FACTS: In promising $4 trillion, Obama is already banking more than $2 trillion from legislation enacted along with Republicans last year that cut agency operating budgets and capped them for 10 years. He also claims more than $800 billion in war savings that would occur anyway. And he uses creative bookkeeping to hide spending on Medicare reimbursements to doctors. Take those “cuts” away and Obama’s $2.50/$1 ratio of spending cuts to tax increases shifts significantly more in the direction of tax increases.
Obama’s February budget offered proposals that would cut deficits over the coming decade by $2 trillion instead of $4 trillion. Of that deficit reduction, tax increases accounted for $1.6 trillion. He promises relatively small spending cuts of $597 billion from big federal benefit programs like Medicare and Medicaid. He also proposed higher spending on infrastructure projects."
"OBAMA: “Over the last two years, health care premiums have gone up — it’s true — but they’ve gone up slower than any time in the last 50 years. So we’re already beginning to see progress. In the meantime, folks out there with insurance, you’re already getting a rebate.”
THE FACTS: Not so, concerning premiums. Obama is mixing overall health care spending, which has been growing at historically low levels, and health insurance premiums, which have continued to rise faster than wages and overall economic growth. Premiums for job-based family coverage have risen by nearly $2,400 since 2009 when Obama took office, according to the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation. In 2011, premiums jumped by 9 percent. This year’s 4 percent increase was more manageable, but the price tag for family coverage stands at $15,745, with employees paying more than $4,300 of that.
When it comes to insurance rebates under Obama’s health care law, less than 10 percent of people with private health insurance are benefiting.
More than 160 million Americans under 65 have private insurance through their jobs and by buying their own policies. According to the administration, about 13 million people will benefit from rebates. And nearly two-thirds of that number will only be entitled to a share of it, since they are covered under job-based plans where their employer pays most of the premium and will get most of the rebate."
"ROMNEY: “At the same time, gasoline prices have doubled under the president. Electric rates are up.”
THE FACTS: He’s right that the average price has doubled, and a little more, since Obama was sworn in. But presidents have almost no influence on gasoline prices, and certainly not in the near term. Gasoline prices are set on financial exchanges around the world and are based on a host of factors, most importantly the price of crude oil used to make gasoline, the amount of finished gasoline ready to be shipped and the capacity of refiners to make enough to meet market demand.
Retail electricity prices have risen since Obama took office — barely. They’ve grown by an average of less than 1 percent per year, less than the rate of inflation and slower than the historical growth in electricity prices. The unexpectedly modest rise in electricity prices is because of the plummeting cost of natural gas, which is used to generate electricity."
"ROMNEY: “What would I cut from spending? Well, first of all, I will eliminate all programs by this test, if they pass it: Is the program so critical it’s worth borrowing money from China to pay for it?”
THE FACTS:China continues to be portrayed by Romney and many other Republicans as the poster child for runaway federal deficits. It’s true that China is the largest foreign holder of U.S. debt, but it only represents about an 8 percent stake. And China has recently been decreasing its holdings, according to the Treasury Department. Some two-thirds of the $16 trillion national debt is owed to the federal government, with the largest single stake the Federal Reserve, as well as American investors and the Social Security Trust Fund."
Oddly enough, FOX News doesn't have a fact-check, but they do have this:
And a couple of other "tidbit" pieces on their companion sites:
This is their most complete analysis; it's pretty good:
"Romney claim: “And in one year, you provided $90 billion in breaks to the green energy world. I like green energy as well, but that’s about 50 years’ worth of what oil and gas receives.”
FALSE. Romney improperly compares loans, grants and tax breaks in the stimulus – a percentage of which goes to coal – to tax breaks for oil & gas companies. The $90 billion is also a 10-year number and he compares it to a single year of oil & gas company tax breaks. This is an apple to orange comparison.
* The approximately $90 billion allocated in the stimulus for “green energy” breaks down to $60.7 billion in spending (relatively immediate) and tax breaks worth $29.5 billion over a 10-year period.
* Of the approximately $90 billion, about $51.9 billion (57.66%) is for projects that are outside what most people would consider the “green energy world” compared to oil & gas companies:"
A transcript of the entire debate:](
I missed it at the time, so did the actual liberal media such as MSNBC and the blogosphere. The mainstream media sleepwalked it as usual. Dingleberries like drudge "released" a "damning" video of the president from years ago sounding "aggressively black." Turns out, this may have been the one rovian political jujitsu move we have seen in this campaign so far.

Now, if the video was ignored or ridiculed at the time by "the left" and the knuckle-dragging teabags are too slow to pick up on it, what was the point? Apparently, the real target audience for this video by the mouth-breathing "strange sort of triumvirate" (drudge, hannity, and tucker carlson) was the Obama campaign team itself. Who took it waaaay too seriously and turned the president into a punching bag for mendacious mitt to commence the "gish gallop" all over the president and Jim Lehrer. Basically, the fascist pigs set up a booby-trap and the president walked right into it. Obama guarded his left when he needed to be aggressive, ugh.
And despite running one of the worst campaigns in the history of American politics, team robme actually caught up in the polls. Americans really are the most clueless people on the planet. I am sick. The gloom is total.
Now of course, the Obama team will overcompensate and get pegged as the angry black man we all "knew" him to be in the first place. R(money) will go back to playing the victim and the whole wingnut universe will throw a pity party all the way to election day.
Voila! Another stolen election and the beatings will resume their normal velocity.
Friday, October 5, 2012
slightly less gloomy ;)
I have followed politics fairly closely all my life. At one point I even wanted to be the first female president, then I decided that we shouldn't wait that long to have a first female president. I grew up in a household where politically one of my parents tended to lean one way and the other tended to lean the other way even though for the most part they were both in the middle.
That middle ground that every candidate needs to win an election.. This election cycle has been odd though. In the past I have voted both Democrat and Republican. I didn't follow a line, I never voted on one issue only (in fact its the one issue voters that scare me the most) I was happy to wander across party lines and get to the heart of the issues.
These past few years I have swayed very strongly and proudly to the left end of the spectrum. I have to admit, I'm pretty happy on this end of the spectrum. The people are amazing, they are socially aware and seem to care about the entire population and not just about themselves. They also seem to be able to be a little more empathetic toward other peoples situations.
Not just the few at the top, the religious extremes, or the unborn (I know, unpopular) which is where those on the extreme right end of the spectrum tend to land.
Those groups seem to be easily pandered to, and easily riled up. They also tend to think that their "way" is the only "way" that there is. Not all of them though, I need to emphasize that. I know a few people that belong to these more extreme voting groups that are fantastic people, that are unapologetic about their views, which I can appreciate, but they also understand that not everyone agrees with them and these few people don't judge me because I have different views. They are a rare find, but they do exist! They really do! That being said, most of the people that I have met that belong to the extremes HATE people like me.
I have been bullied and had insults thrown at me on a daily basis, most recently I was told that because I am a democrat, I am a "baby killer" Nice guy, representing his party and difference of opinion in a very classy way, by throwing insults around. I have also been called a "fool" been told that I am "naive" because of being idealistic. That one makes me laugh a little bit actually, but it also makes me sad. What made this person give up on their Ideals and just decide to roll with it rather than fight for what they thought was right? Maybe I am naive in thinking that I can change the world, but guess what, I am not alone! I may be just one person, but I am part of the many who believe that we can make this world a better place. If more people held on to that belief, just imagine what we could do!
So why all the insults? I disagree with you, Big deal! get over it!
If everyone had the same ideas about everything nothing would have ever moved forward. At different points in history different people thought slavery was okay, it was okay to not let people of different cultures or women to own property or vote, it was okay to have our children working in sweatshops rather than go to school, and it was okay to have gun slinger's carrying out the law as the judge, jury and executioner.
Thank the heavens that people rose up and said "Hey that's not okay! We will fight for something better and we will persevere!" And where did these changes happen? In public, with elections and electors, with education and educators with unions and union workers, with the power of people who believed in something better. Through government change. The government is not the enemy, the unions are not the enemy. The enemy is the person who thinks that nothing can be done and sit back and take the abuse. The enemies are the ones that think that we can not work together and are not willing to try. But we have proven over and over in this country that when we come together and work together and COMPROMISE, we can move mountains! And we can make things better.
So here I am, an incurable optimist playing around in politics! A walking contradiction in most peoples eyes, but I believe that if we work in a public way, we can make a difference. It has been proven throughout history that if you want to make a change, you can. Its never easy, in fact it might be one of the most challenging things that you undertake. It can be a dangerous, aggravating, bang your head against the wall experience, but it can also be very fulfilling. You will make friends that last a lifetime, and possibly enemies that last a lifetime as well. But you will be better for it. The world will be better for it.
That middle ground that every candidate needs to win an election.. This election cycle has been odd though. In the past I have voted both Democrat and Republican. I didn't follow a line, I never voted on one issue only (in fact its the one issue voters that scare me the most) I was happy to wander across party lines and get to the heart of the issues.
These past few years I have swayed very strongly and proudly to the left end of the spectrum. I have to admit, I'm pretty happy on this end of the spectrum. The people are amazing, they are socially aware and seem to care about the entire population and not just about themselves. They also seem to be able to be a little more empathetic toward other peoples situations.
Not just the few at the top, the religious extremes, or the unborn (I know, unpopular) which is where those on the extreme right end of the spectrum tend to land.
Those groups seem to be easily pandered to, and easily riled up. They also tend to think that their "way" is the only "way" that there is. Not all of them though, I need to emphasize that. I know a few people that belong to these more extreme voting groups that are fantastic people, that are unapologetic about their views, which I can appreciate, but they also understand that not everyone agrees with them and these few people don't judge me because I have different views. They are a rare find, but they do exist! They really do! That being said, most of the people that I have met that belong to the extremes HATE people like me.
I have been bullied and had insults thrown at me on a daily basis, most recently I was told that because I am a democrat, I am a "baby killer" Nice guy, representing his party and difference of opinion in a very classy way, by throwing insults around. I have also been called a "fool" been told that I am "naive" because of being idealistic. That one makes me laugh a little bit actually, but it also makes me sad. What made this person give up on their Ideals and just decide to roll with it rather than fight for what they thought was right? Maybe I am naive in thinking that I can change the world, but guess what, I am not alone! I may be just one person, but I am part of the many who believe that we can make this world a better place. If more people held on to that belief, just imagine what we could do!
So why all the insults? I disagree with you, Big deal! get over it!
If everyone had the same ideas about everything nothing would have ever moved forward. At different points in history different people thought slavery was okay, it was okay to not let people of different cultures or women to own property or vote, it was okay to have our children working in sweatshops rather than go to school, and it was okay to have gun slinger's carrying out the law as the judge, jury and executioner.
Thank the heavens that people rose up and said "Hey that's not okay! We will fight for something better and we will persevere!" And where did these changes happen? In public, with elections and electors, with education and educators with unions and union workers, with the power of people who believed in something better. Through government change. The government is not the enemy, the unions are not the enemy. The enemy is the person who thinks that nothing can be done and sit back and take the abuse. The enemies are the ones that think that we can not work together and are not willing to try. But we have proven over and over in this country that when we come together and work together and COMPROMISE, we can move mountains! And we can make things better.
So here I am, an incurable optimist playing around in politics! A walking contradiction in most peoples eyes, but I believe that if we work in a public way, we can make a difference. It has been proven throughout history that if you want to make a change, you can. Its never easy, in fact it might be one of the most challenging things that you undertake. It can be a dangerous, aggravating, bang your head against the wall experience, but it can also be very fulfilling. You will make friends that last a lifetime, and possibly enemies that last a lifetime as well. But you will be better for it. The world will be better for it.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Perhaps some are wondering if I have some valuable insight into the Presidential Debate yesterday. I do, however life is just rolling by too fast to get it down in any semblance of rationality. I will say this, romney proved that the episode in his college days of knocking down a gay student and holding him down while shearing off his hair is definitively the "real mitt." He was a bully, not just to the President of the United States but to the mild-mannered moderator. The technical term for his tactics was a "Gish Gallop." Dumping as many lies out of his pie hole as possible, many containing a gram of truth or half-truth so that the debate opponent cannot begin to address, much less refute, all of the garbage.
I really feel sorry for him. I know mormonism is different than the brand of Christianity I adhere to, but don't you go to hell for this kind of behavior? In any decent religion? There has to be some penalty for it.
So, ride high you lying sack of plutocratic garbage, it won't last.
I really feel sorry for him. I know mormonism is different than the brand of Christianity I adhere to, but don't you go to hell for this kind of behavior? In any decent religion? There has to be some penalty for it.
So, ride high you lying sack of plutocratic garbage, it won't last.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Left lament
I posted Phil Ochs' song "love me, I'm a Liberal" yesterday because my esteemed colleague the Kewaskumite was worried he was turning into one of the people lambasted in that song. The lyrics are a common enough refrain, idealists scorn the realists. I have to be above reproach. "holier than thou" and so forth. Trouble is, this is why the Progressive movement, such as it is, remains and will forever be so horrifically fragmented.
You are not pure enough for me to work with you.
You are too sensitive and wound too tight to realize the real world does not and will not work the way you want it to.
You have residual racist and sexist tendencies
You are too theoretical.
You excuse the corporate/industrial/bigoted culture too much.
"I am better than you."
And that is why the right always seems to win. From money, to violence, to obedience to authority, to the blind ambition to win at any cost the right has many advantages.
"Hypocrite! Sellout!" Why is it so hard to get along? Is it not better to vote and participate and try, than to sit on your ass and not bother?
You are not pure enough for me to work with you.
You are too sensitive and wound too tight to realize the real world does not and will not work the way you want it to.
You have residual racist and sexist tendencies
You are too theoretical.
You excuse the corporate/industrial/bigoted culture too much.
"I am better than you."
And that is why the right always seems to win. From money, to violence, to obedience to authority, to the blind ambition to win at any cost the right has many advantages.
"Hypocrite! Sellout!" Why is it so hard to get along? Is it not better to vote and participate and try, than to sit on your ass and not bother?
Possibly the greatest comment thread ever.
This amazing story came through my feed this morning from talking points memo entitled GOP Focus Group: Undecided Voters Give Obama Benefit Of The Doubt and I nearly fell out of my chair when I came across these commentors' translations of the findings. (emphasis mine)
It is refreshing to see a few people, even if only in a comments section, call out the liars for being liars and laugh at them.
So, basically, Republican strategists and polling experts have, through extensive polling and focus grouping, discovered that when the candidate behaves like a total sociopath and runs the most pathologically dishonest campaign in living memory, it causes people to doubt the veracity of the candidate's lies and distortions?
And the sad part of it is that I'm sure they're just absolutely stunned by this utterly unexpected and counter-intuitive result and not really sure what to make of it.
Exactly. They say it is "a little bit unfair" that when their candidate repeatedly lies and invents context around quotes and obfuscates inconvenient facts and refuses to deal openly with the public, that same public tends to be less willing to accept the next lie as given.
I don't know what world these sociopaths live in, but the basic principles at play here should have been hammered home in Kindergarten if not earlier. I mean, even their erstwhile revered leader said, "Fool me once, shame on .. shame on you. Fool me ... You can't get fooled again!"
"a little bit unfair." Are you kidding me.....we have an entire political Party spend 4 years doing nothing but obstructing progress, and bashing the President for every word coming out of his mouth, and Voters expressing the opinion that Romney and the GOP SUCK!! And "it a little bit unfair".....Y'all are lucky your not in prison for Treason.And to be thorough, Bob Cesca added this on his blog. "They know [Romney's] lying to them, and yet they are still 'undecided'?"
It’s my theory that Romney and the Republicans have always included this in their calculus. It’s the height of cynicism to assume that voters know you’re lying but to push forward with more lies anyway as a means of energizing the base, leaning on a dog-whistle or underscoring the “liberal media fact-checker” myth.Somehow, that push just doesn't have the same "zing" it had during bushhell. Simply asserting through force of will that whatever the dear leader says is real only works when the opposition cowers in fear. Creating reality (read: myths) by assertion loses leverage when you're out of power and your base is shrinking. For whatever reason, rove & co was able to manufacture the perception that the bush administration was backed by a huge majority, but it was then and is now all smoke and mirrors. More accurately, a handful of very rich white men bought themselves a smoke machine and everyone assumes there is fire.
It is refreshing to see a few people, even if only in a comments section, call out the liars for being liars and laugh at them.
Zombies we are.
Having personally witnessed people mindlessly walking into traffic with their eyes glued to a mechanical, interactive whatever-the-latest-gizmo-this-week-is, I have to admit this guy has a point.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Lamenting Liberalism
İ cried when they shot Medgar Evers
Tears ran down my spine
I cried when they shot Mr. Kennedy
As though I'd lost a father of mine
But Malcolm X got what was coming
He got what he asked for this time
So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal
I go to civil rights rallies
And I put down the old D.A.R.
I love Harry and Sidney and Sammy
I hope every colored boy becomes a star
But don't talk about revolution
That's going a little bit too far
So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal
I cheered when Humphrey was chosen
My faith in the system restored
I'm glad the commies were thrown out
of the A.F.L. C.I.O. board
I love Puerto Ricans and Negros
as long as they don't move next door
So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal
The people of old Mississippi
Should all hang their heads in shame
I can't understand how their minds work
What's the matter don't they watch Les Crain?
But if you ask me to bus my children
I hope the cops take down your name
So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal
I read New republic and Nation
I've learned to take every view
You know, I've memorized Lerner and Golden
I feel like I'm almost a Jew
But when it comes to times like Korea
There's no one more red, white and blue
So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal
I vote for the democratic party
They want the U.N. to be strong
I go to all the Pete Seeger concerts
He sure gets me singing those songs
I'll send all the money you ask for
But don't ask me to come on along
So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal
Once I was young and impulsive
I wore every conceivable pin
Even went to the socialist meetings
Learned all the old union hymns
But I've grown older and wiser
And that's why I'm turning you in
So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal
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