The Gloomy Amazon Link

On this page I will make the same pitch that several blogs of this type do.
It is incredibly difficult to dedicate any part of your life to this kind of work, especially because I am not "working" for anyone. I try to do my civic duty by analyzing this crazy world we live in and writing up my findings. It is a lot of work to keep up with current events, it should really be no surprise to talking head types that many Americans simply do not have the time or energy to do it. The Children of Darkness who have an agenda that does not align with the public interest do everything possible to make it this way. They have lots of money and are not afraid to use it to further their agenda of wrecking government, wrecking the environment, stealing from the public, getting their taxes cut, sending us to war, and a myriad of other rotten things.
On the other side, The Children of Light, who want a better and more just world, are always scraping for every penny. So here's my pitch, when I review a book or movie that I think is enjoyable or informative, or a gadget that I have found useful I will often put it in a link to If you click on it and order it, I get a little commission from the sale but it does not in any way increase the price you pay. It really helps me out. I have bills to pay and a family to raise just like everyone else, and I really appreciate the support from my readers. That said, at the top and bottom of this page you will see a link that will take you straight to the front page of Amazon. If you click on it and do your shopping there, I will get a small commission but it will not cost you a dime extra. So please, consider helping to support this blog. I thank you in advance.

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