Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Keep on fighting

It has been so long since I actually finished writing a post here that I cannot remember where to begin. So maybe I just need to stream my thoughts out for practice. Bob Cesca refers to this steady deluge as "The Fire Hose of News" where it just keeps coming, the porn stars, the graft, the shameless corruption, the firings, the provocations of foreign powers, the malice, the gun massacres, the abject cruelty towards their fellow Americans, and HOW IN THE FUCK CAN THIS VULGAR TALKING YAM ENJOY A 40% APPROVAL RATING FROM THE AUTHORITARIAN FOLLOWER MOUTH-BREATHING HYPOCRITES!!! They do not deserve to be called Americans anymore. The best case scenario is they become so embarrassed by their outspoken support of such a vile excuse for a human being and the entire party and ideology he adheres to that they just go away.

That is the takeaway from this national nightmare, no liberal should ever give the benefit of the doubt to anyone calling themselves a conservative or libertarian or even independent. Nothing they say should ever be given any credence, no concern trolling or whataboutism should be listened to by anyone. There has to be some kind of shorthand to address their lies so we don't waste time bailing out the ocean of MAGA hat malice, that never ending cacophony of bullshit and bad faith arguing that heretofore derails every attempt at serious discussion on any social media platform. I DON'T OWE YOU A DEBATE could be a start.

How accurate these proportions are is open to honest debate but one of those thirds is certainly aware of it. Which third are you in?

It must be said as well that the elite seem to believe that when the time comes, they will be able to point the dangerous third away from themselves. Or at least hire enough of them as guards to fulfill Jay Gould's infamous anecdote. One by one the fascists residing within America's borders will realize that their god emperor was always in it for himself. Then what?

I doubt the "alt-right" meatheads or the bitter old boomers will realize how deeply they have been conned by Republican politicians all of these years to become Democrats. And I am specifically referring to the Republican base, that frothing mass of racist hatred who really though that Doughface Donny was the one to bring about the final solution in America. It would look different than in Nazi Germany, but extremists are nothing if not full of big plans for the rest of us.

Thankfully, as David Neiwert likes to point out, right-wing extremists have a pronounced weakness in their ability to organize and work together. However, like all good authoritarian followers, they will fall in line behind the next tyrant to come along and promise them the moon.

So until next time, give their pathetic mewling no credence. You do not owe any right winger who is wasting your time with bullshit and bad faith arguing a debate. You do not owe any right wing authority figure any deference. And most of their power lay in intimidation and knowing that their cruelty and bigotry will not be questioned. Time to shatter that myth. As the Parkland kids are consistently showing. As Stormy Daniels is showing. And as Democrats are showing in special elections all around this republic.