Monday, October 29, 2012

The Social Issues Matter~ Part 2 GLBT

Anyone that tells you that the social issues don't matter really doesn't know very much about the social issues in my opinion.  They need to wake up and really educate themselves on what really matters, because all the money and jobs in the world don't mean anything if part of your population is being treated like garbage or second class citizens.

The first line of the second paragraph of our Declaration of Independence says it all~

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  What a concept, we are all created equally and we have unalienable right, endowed by God.  Yeah, God gave everyone those same rights, because you know what? If God exists then he created all people, not just the straight ones. My understanding of the many religions that I have studied is that God doesn't make mistakes so don't try and tell me that GLBT people are a mistake. If you say that they are not created by God, and that God doesn't make mistakes and that God created all of us in the same argument, then I think you are thoroughly confused.  Also, I have the understanding that we are all Gods children and that God loves us all.  That should be the end of it, unfortunately its not. Whether you agree with me or not shouldn't even matter because the first amendment states that~ No law shall be enacted respecting an establishment of religion, Or prohibiting the exercise thereof.  Therefor, you cannot use your religion to deny the GLBT community rights.  I don't care if you think it is against your religion or not, your religion has no place in politics and the making of laws. (see my post about the separation of church and state)

Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals and Transgender people are PEOPLE!!!

This is a huge part of our population.  Different studies show that anywhere from 10-20% of the population identify themselves in this group.  That's HUGE!! You might not realize it but many of the people that you know identify themselves in this group.  If you know me, then guess what, you know someone in this group.  I can tell you that it is not a trend, it is not a fad, it is not a choice, it IS however, something that you are born with.  I identify myself as Bisexual. I have always been attracted to both sexes, I have dated and loved both men and women.  The fact that I married a guy had more to do with timing than anything else.  My husband happened to be the person that I came into contact with and fell in love with at the time.  But if the timing had been different in some of my previous relationships, or if I hadn't met my husband, I might have a completely different life right now, with a woman.  I am attracted to both sexes and honestly, I was more often attracted to women than men. (That should tell you just how amazing my husband is!)

This is part of why I am such a huge supporter of Gay rights and Gay marriage.  It could have been me.  I have friends that belong in this group as well.  In loving partnerships with their Husbands and Wives and Partners.  They often have better relationships than many of the "normal" marriages. (I use the term normal lightly)  One of my best friends growing up has been with his Hubby for 12 or 13 years.  I know Hetero people that are on their 2nd and 3rd marriages in the same amount of time. Yet I hear over and over and over how gay marriage is going is going to ruin the sanctity of marriage?! I have no idea what those people are talking about!  I think that the reason that Gay relationships might be working better is because the people involved really know themselves.  I think that often people in straight relationships have yet to fully understand themselves and so cannot fully and properly commit to their partners.  I'm not saying that is always the case, but it does happen often enough to make me wonder.  And this BS about the sanctity of marriage just makes my blood boil because the people that I see ruining "the sanctity of marriage" are not GBLT, they are the ones speaking out against it!  If you have been married 3 or 4 times, then you have no right to throw that argument out there.  Seriously!?! Where do these people get off and why do people listen to them?!?

Sorry, I went off on a Rant..

Moving on.. This wonderful group of people have families and children.  We have the same capacity to love and a bigger capacity for acceptance then most of the "normal" people. Mainly because we know what it is like to be "different" or an "outsider."  But you know what, we shouldn't have to deal with that, we shouldn't be categorized, our rights shouldn't be categorized, WE ARE PEOPLE, people! Its as simple as that, we aren't a different species, we are human beings. We may live our lives differently but that doesn't make us any less human and we have a right to have our HUMAN RIGHTS GRANTED.  We have a right to love whoever we fall in love with, we have a right raise or families the way we choose to.
Yes, you see me including myself in this. Because I can relate, and heaven forbid anything should ever happen to my husband, I have no idea who I might fall in love with. Could be anyone, and whether it be a woman or a man, I would hope that I would be able to love them openly and that it would be accepted.  Love is Love is Love. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, should be able to love openly and honestly and without inhibition, and they should not be looked down on, or bullied because of it.

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness belong to everyone in this country. The Declaration of Independence tell us so.

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