Friday, October 5, 2012

slightly less gloomy ;)

I have followed politics fairly closely all my life.  At one point I even wanted to be the first female president, then I decided that we shouldn't wait that long to have a first female president.  I grew up in a household where politically one of my parents tended to lean one way and the other tended to lean the other way even though for the most part they were both in the middle.


That middle ground that every candidate needs to win an election..  This election cycle has been odd though. In the past I have voted both Democrat and Republican.  I didn't follow a line, I never voted on one issue only (in fact its the one issue voters that scare me the most) I was happy to wander across party lines and get to the heart of the issues.

These past few years I have swayed very strongly and proudly to the left end of the spectrum. I have to admit, I'm pretty happy on this end of the spectrum.  The people are amazing, they are socially aware and seem to care about the entire population and not just about themselves. They also seem to be able to be a little more empathetic toward other peoples situations.

Not just the few at the top, the religious extremes, or the unborn (I know, unpopular) which is where those on the extreme right end of the spectrum tend to land.

Those groups seem to be easily pandered to, and easily riled up.  They also tend to think that their "way" is the only "way" that there is.  Not all of them though, I need to emphasize that. I know a few people that belong to these more extreme voting groups that are fantastic people, that are unapologetic about their views, which I can appreciate,  but they also understand that not everyone agrees with them and these few people don't judge me because I have different views.  They are a rare find, but they do exist!  They really do!  That being said, most of the people that I have met that belong to the extremes HATE people like me.

 I have been bullied and had insults thrown at me on a daily basis, most recently I was told that because I am a democrat, I am a "baby killer"  Nice guy, representing his party and difference of opinion in a very classy way, by throwing insults around. I have also been called a "fool" been told that I am "naive" because of being idealistic.  That one makes me laugh a little bit actually, but it also makes me sad.  What made this person give up on their Ideals and just decide to roll with it rather than fight for what they thought was right?  Maybe I am naive in thinking that I can change the world, but guess what, I am not alone!  I may be just one person, but I am part of the many who believe that we can make this world a better place. If more people held on to that belief, just imagine what we could do!

So why all the insults? I disagree with you, Big deal! get over it!

If everyone had the same ideas about everything nothing would have ever moved forward. At different points in history different people thought slavery was okay, it was okay to not let people of different cultures or women to own property or vote, it was okay to have our children working in sweatshops rather than go to school, and it was okay to have gun slinger's carrying out the law as the judge, jury and executioner.
Thank the heavens that people rose up and said "Hey that's not okay! We will fight for something better and we will persevere!" And where did these changes happen? In public, with elections and electors, with education and educators  with unions and union workers, with the power of people who believed in something better. Through government change. The government is not the enemy, the unions are not the enemy.  The enemy is the person who thinks that nothing can be done and sit back and take the abuse. The enemies are the ones that think that we can not work together and are not willing to try.  But we have proven over and over in this country that when we come together and work together and COMPROMISE, we can move mountains! And we can make things better.

So here I am, an incurable optimist playing around in politics! A walking contradiction in most peoples eyes, but I believe that if we work in a public way, we can make a difference. It has been proven throughout history that if you want to make a change, you can.  Its never easy, in fact it might be one of the most challenging things that you undertake. It can be a dangerous, aggravating, bang your head against the wall experience, but it can also be very fulfilling. You will make friends that last a lifetime, and possibly enemies that last a lifetime as well. But you will be better for it. The world will be better for it.

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