Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Left lament

I posted Phil Ochs' song "love me, I'm a Liberal" yesterday because my esteemed colleague the Kewaskumite was worried he was turning into one of the people lambasted in that song. The lyrics are a common enough refrain, idealists scorn the realists. I have to be above reproach. "holier than thou" and so forth. Trouble is, this is why the Progressive movement, such as it is, remains and will forever be so horrifically fragmented.

You are not pure enough for me to work with you.

You are too sensitive and wound too tight to realize the real world does not and will not work the way you want it to.

You have residual racist and sexist tendencies

You are too theoretical.

You excuse the corporate/industrial/bigoted culture too much.

"I am better than you."

And that is why the right always seems to win. From money, to violence, to obedience to authority, to the blind ambition to win at any cost the right has many advantages.

"Hypocrite! Sellout!" Why is it so hard to get along? Is it not better to vote and participate and try, than to sit on your ass and not bother?

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