
Long ago, the zombie signed up to be an associate for a big online retailer of books and lots of other stuff. I recently looked into it and found that it was still active. I love this site and chances are you do too. We are not supposed to openly say it, so let us say that this site is named after legendary warrior women of the north who struck fear into the ancient civilizations of Europe or the largest river system in South America flowing mainly through Brazil. Any ideas what it would be? Good, let's move on.

After looking through the associate's webpage for this site, I saw that they also affiliate with another site that I love. This one is named after what a quarterback does to call a new play at the line of scrimmage. I cannot think of any other hints, but you will find banners for them at the top of my regular blog.
I want to make this as non-spammy as possible. Here's the pitch. First off, I really vouch for these companies. I would not have made it through graduate school without them, or it would have been a lot harder at the least. I love books. So much so that I married a librarian (she is also beautiful, smart, funny, my best friend, and a great Mom). But for all of you not lucky enough to have a personal librarian (LOL) these sites are quite helpful.
Not everyone has the time or inclination to just sit and read a book, we have all been there. Many of us spend an awful lot of time in our cars for commuting or just travelling. Audiobooks are my solution. Time goes by on a boring road trip or drudging commute much better with a compelling story. Audiobooks have come a long way from the rickety boxes of cassette tapes with scratchy recordings of not-very-captivating narrators. I download them from the site directly onto my Ipod, which I can then listen to on my headphones or plug it into the aux jack on my car stereo. No muss, no fuss.
I am the world's worst salesman so I'll quit while I'm ahead. So this page is the inaugural post of reviews and recommendations for books. Fiction and non-fiction, old-school paper or fancypants eReader electronic format, print and audio, we love them all here at GH.

Get your history on starting at this link.

 Type in a book title to search for delicious audio literature.

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