I don't care how many fussy dilettantes unlike my page or send nasty emails, you have had eight years to build an alternative to the Democratic establishment, and you didn't. It is time to grow up and realize that the establishment was here before you and I were and there's no silver bullet to destroy it. Do you think progressive taxation, minimum wage laws, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, anti-trust laws, the National Labor Relations Board, workman's compensation, and all the rest happened overnight or easily? No, liberal reform has always been a work in progress. Vote for Bernie in the primary, work for his campaign, protest real injustice, and work to persuade people to take an interest in issues that matter. But have a little dignity, show some humility, and for crying out loud listen to yourselves. Have the Democrats been so awful for the past eight years that you are willing to surrender the presidency to Donald Trump or Ted Cruz because you believe the three decade smear campaign against Hillary Clinton?
I was on the fence about this Bernie or bust business until I got a chance to hear some of them call in to the Brad cast recently. Up to that time I had only seen a few dingbats write about how they will never vote for Hillary Clinton if she is the Democratic nominee. They never come across as being particularly knowledgeable or wise, but in print the anger and screaming doesn't come through. So now I know that the idiot tea party paranoid style is not just on the extreme right. When I heard these people yelling and ranting about Hillary, it became clear that tea baggers are not the only gullible authoritarian followers out there.
Before you turn up your nose and dismiss me as part of the establishment or a sell out or whatever, I did vote for Bernie Sanders in the primary. I respect his integrity, his positions on issues that matter to me, and I respect him as a man of the people. However, you people out there, who were all in for the ReLOVEution or whatever that was for Ron Paul. You who stood with Rand Paul because President Obama is worse that Bush; and you who are now claiming that the only thing you can do in good conscience if Bernie doesn't win the nomination of a party he still does not belong to is to stay home and pout or vote third party, are not worthy of any respect. I dealt with a lot of you in the Army, we called them blue falcons, the ones who refused to ever admit a mistake or something they did wrong, and were willing to let the whole unit be punished because they couldn't own up and take responsibility. Yes, if you could put aside your juvenile idealistic standards for the moment it would take to pull the lever for the socially responsible act of keeping a fascist like Trump or a theocrat like Cruz out of the White House there would be no problem. But you have to keep going on about this as though it is somehow noble to throw away a perfectly good chance at keeping momentum going for a progressive future.
Before you turn up your nose and dismiss me as part of the establishment or a sell out or whatever, I did vote for Bernie Sanders in the primary. I respect his integrity, his positions on issues that matter to me, and I respect him as a man of the people. However, you people out there, who were all in for the ReLOVEution or whatever that was for Ron Paul. You who stood with Rand Paul because President Obama is worse that Bush; and you who are now claiming that the only thing you can do in good conscience if Bernie doesn't win the nomination of a party he still does not belong to is to stay home and pout or vote third party, are not worthy of any respect. I dealt with a lot of you in the Army, we called them blue falcons, the ones who refused to ever admit a mistake or something they did wrong, and were willing to let the whole unit be punished because they couldn't own up and take responsibility. Yes, if you could put aside your juvenile idealistic standards for the moment it would take to pull the lever for the socially responsible act of keeping a fascist like Trump or a theocrat like Cruz out of the White House there would be no problem. But you have to keep going on about this as though it is somehow noble to throw away a perfectly good chance at keeping momentum going for a progressive future.
No, of course Hillary Clinton is not perfect and neither is the Democratic Party. Why? Because she is human, and the party is made up of humans. People who have flaws, people who have different views, different experience, and yes, different levels of involvement in the special interests and corrupting influences of money. No one in politics has exactly the same perspective, that is why we have parties. The objective is to get as many people's ideas as possible aggregated into as coherent a platform as possible. It is unfortunate that basic political science is not dropped into our political discourse very often. So rarely in fact, that when I tried Google searching for some of the ideas I studied many moons ago in poli sci 101 I could not find them so I'll have to paraphrase. Our electoral system is called single district plurality or first past the post, meaning that only the candidate with the greatest vote total wins. Therefore, rational office seekers coalesce into a mere two choices as close to the center as possible with one party going one way from that center and the other going the other way. The two party system, while sounding like the least number of choices outside of a one party dictatorship, actually presents the greatest choice in a winner take all election. The problem is that republican so-called conservatives have pulled that center further and further to the right, and then run candidates who start on the far right and only grudgingly move to moderate their stances and thereby increase their constituency. Democrats like Hillary Clinton start at the center and generally get pulled to the right. This is not a good situation I grant you, but threatening to pout and stay home is not going to help anyone but the Republican candidate.
Right now, Bernie or bust people are nothing but lonely, alienated voices in the wilderness. You have no money, no organization, and no leverage; nothing really to offer. Screaming on social media or call in shows does nothing but alienate you further from people who actually have something to lose if a republican takes the White House. And that is why I'm saying that voting your conscience is a self-defeating fallacy. Make your voice heard constructively, build something, move the center in a more progressive direction. But simply screaming about how you will refuse to vote if your demands are not met will alienate you not only from the people you claim to be making your noble claim about defending but the Democratic Party as well.
Again, a personal campaign to make the political system more just, to fight for equality, and society more fair is best conducted between elections. The stakes are too high to pull this crap right now. The last eight years would have been a golden opportunity to organize all the people hurt by bush's wars and financial collapse, to educate people on why big changes were needed. That didn't happen, but there is no reason why you can't try again.
After the election, no matter who the Democratic nominee is. Patience, we can do this right. And it won't mean selling out, it just means being a team player. Aim lower, if the tea bag authoritarians can take over their local parties and put bible-thumping weirdos or monsters like this guy into office, imagine what we could do with good ideas.
Right now, Bernie or bust people are nothing but lonely, alienated voices in the wilderness. You have no money, no organization, and no leverage; nothing really to offer. Screaming on social media or call in shows does nothing but alienate you further from people who actually have something to lose if a republican takes the White House. And that is why I'm saying that voting your conscience is a self-defeating fallacy. Make your voice heard constructively, build something, move the center in a more progressive direction. But simply screaming about how you will refuse to vote if your demands are not met will alienate you not only from the people you claim to be making your noble claim about defending but the Democratic Party as well.
Again, a personal campaign to make the political system more just, to fight for equality, and society more fair is best conducted between elections. The stakes are too high to pull this crap right now. The last eight years would have been a golden opportunity to organize all the people hurt by bush's wars and financial collapse, to educate people on why big changes were needed. That didn't happen, but there is no reason why you can't try again.
After the election, no matter who the Democratic nominee is. Patience, we can do this right. And it won't mean selling out, it just means being a team player. Aim lower, if the tea bag authoritarians can take over their local parties and put bible-thumping weirdos or monsters like this guy into office, imagine what we could do with good ideas.
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