Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Let The Blaming Commence.

Which is worse after an election like this, the gloating from tea bag trolls, or the hand-wringing and incestuous scalp-hunting from the left? The president is going to be impeached over [reasons], millions will lose health insurance, hundreds will probably die of preventable diseases, and if you liked the disenfranchisement this time around wait until the new authoritarian governors have two more years to wreck democratic process. But right now the important thing is to wag your finger at all those incompetent boobs who failed to stop the wrecking crew onslaught. It's the media, it's the voters, it's the candidates, consultants, party bosses, anything to put the blame somewhere.

One status I saw this morning:
 Four years ago we had complete control and now we have lost seats every election but the recall(which they were not on board with). Leadership trio of the Democratic party has to go. That Mike Tate has not resigned yet leaves me speechless. ...
DO not say join the party and take it over, thats bs and I have zero interest in that. Why join the party so they can use our money to pay worthless consultants? How can Joel Gratz and Beau stafford still be receiving money from the party? I hope someday when Mary Burke gives an honest interview she can admit hiring a republican lobbyist was probably not the best idea to start a campaign(who knew). THese people need to resign in disgrace and find a new line of work. NOW
This individual is far more inside baseball than your humble narrator but seriously, it was Scott Walker vs. Not-Scott Walker the choice was pretty clear. A commenter jumped on the bandwagon almost to the point of conspiracy theorizing:
There was no loser last night. Big money won. We have no parties. As long as we live the "delusion" that there are parties representing people we will always lose. If Democrats want to be the party of the people, the people need to force the party to swallow a laxative followed by a 10 gallon enema. Only a total cleanse will save Democrats!
Or we can blame the president:
Progressives need to face facts. We have a weak, ineffectual president who has been irrelevant since Nov 2012. Pretty hard to win with that spectre looming overhead.
And poor Freebird, her first time voting, to see this train wreck.
I am more pissed at democrats than anyone else right now....this campaign proved to me that as a whole, we really are a lazy bunch. I hate feeling this way- but it''s true. People who don't vote are being ridiculously stupid. I don't feel bad for anyone who will be negatively impacted by Scott Walker once again, but was too lazy to go vote. Actions have consequences.
 I hope she does not give up on politics, her energy and enthusiasm are infectious.

Bob Cesca has to take the cake when it comes to finger-wagging though.
Turnout among voters under 30? 13 percent. Congratulations, kids. This is what happens when you confuse social media masturbation for actual participation
Doesn't that just make you want to jump up and get involved? Me too.

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