Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Dubya's Revenge

Setting aside the sense of outrage that comes from voter suppression, cynicism, dirty tricks, tampering with voting machines, endless robo-calls, long lines, deliberate sabotage, and all the rest; last night was utterly disgusting. People actually went out to vote for the very party, ideology, and in many cases the same politicians who caused the financial collapse, then obstructed and sabotaged the admittedly feeble attempts to fix their mess. Apparently this really is the human condition, deep down most people need to be exploited, need a boot on their neck. The mass of humanity really was born with saddles on their backs with a privileged minority born booted and spurred, ready to ride them. Our experiment is over, the moneyed elite killed the idea that people could actually govern themselves and now we suffer the consequences for daring to believe that "all men are created equal."

In so far as the direct line of causation goes, a century from now historians will identify George W. Bush as the man most responsible for the destruction of the US. Sure, the list of despicable operatives in the assassination of representative government is very long but they all intersect at dubya. Sure, a country called The United States of America will continue to exist. That dismal place may even have a big entertainment extravaganza every couple years and call it an election, there may even be corporate-approved opposition candidates to play scapegoat. But this country will be a land of opportunity only for con men, grifters, gangsters, and thugs. The rest of us will simply wait our turn to be victimized.

I can't even detail all the ways dubya's tax cuts, wasteful spending, wars, bailouts, and deregulation or simple non-enforcement of laws irrevocably tipped the balance forever into the hands of plutocrats and their henchmen.

Get used to it.

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