The cyber-"hackivist" group Anonymous claimed to have prevented carl rove (deliberate) from stealing votes in Ohio and thus the election. This has to be one of those "known unknowns" that ronald dumsfeld used to talk about when he allowed chaos to erupt all over Iraq. Thankfully, and despite the utter lack of interest by official Democratic Party organs, we the people may have been spared another campaign of known unknowns in Iran by Anonymous.
Of course, we will probably never know and the professional boo-hooers at Salon say the story does not add up.
Now, as an historian, someone trained to use evidence but also to read between the lines to discover hidden meanings, I am not sure how much weight to assign to Anonymous' claims. As a Liberal and someone who values sometimes abstract concepts like the rule of law and public responsibility, even civic virtue, I want to believe that there is now a force that can obstruct the children of darkness like rove & co. from stealing. First they stole elections, then they stole from the public treasury, they stole the lives of our soldiers, and finally they stole the future from the American people with all of their crimes.
Reading between the lines, has anyone ever seen rove go off-script the way he did after fox called Ohio for the president?
It is clear that turd blossom is an evil man, a pure sociopath for whom power is it's own end and the harm he causes to others is completely meaningless to him. In other words the perfect operator to destroy the delicate republican institutions of America and bring dictatorship. But are we the people simply sheep to be shorn and slaughtered as these wolves see fit? For years it has been apparent that the republican party, with its brownshirted teabaggers and conscienceless billionaire backers, are the snake in the fable about the old woman and the snake. "They" are going to do these evil things, grab power for it's own sake. However, after taking power they use it to cynically destroy everything good and extract all the wealth possible. Even the idea that a mysterious force is standing up for the hapless children of light nourishes the hope that all is not lost. So I am willing to take the chance in believing that Anonymous is really out there, watching.
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