Read through the list a bit. Is this the profile of a man with the best interests of the republic at heart? Do any Americans with a functioning brain really want ryan a heartbeat away from the presidency?
As far as can be seen right now, ryan is also still running for his house seat in Racine. Kind of like Joe Lieberman still running for his senate seat while on the ticket in 2000. That sends a signal of confidence, blah.
Hopefully, with the entire nation's non-fascist attention on the depths of contempt ryan has for the 99% he will lose that seat.
"If there was any question about the weak-willed Willard “Mitt” Romney’s selection of Ryan demonstrates an appeasement of the fascist forces already building in the legislatures of this nation to disturbing, if not alarming levels.... We must not fail the Republic, or democracy. The Tea Party is a danger to our way of living that must end."--Brian Ross
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