Monday, August 13, 2012

Is this the first senseless shooting of the week?

Aggregated by Huffington Post:

"A gunman in College Station, Texas was killed by the police on Monday after he allegedly murdered a law-enforcement officer and a 65-year-old male civilian.
Constable Brian Bachmann, 41, a Brazos County sheriff's deputy since 1993, was allegedly shot and killed after he served an eviction notice to the rented house close to the Texas A&M campus. 4 others were wounded in the incident. The civilian victim has yet to be identified."

Hmm, Texas A&M, who do we know who came from that environment? Oh yes, our local gauleiter Owen Robinson. This gun maniac in our midst had this to say about this particular shooting at his Alma Mater. That's right, nothing of his own. Passionate as hell about his right to carry a gun into the library where so many of us take our little children and no one has yet to shoot up, but silent about someone using a gun to kill a cop.


[soh-see-uh-path, soh-shee-] Show IPA

noun Psychiatry .
a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience."

Let's play what if for just a second... "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" How many people would this particular person be able to kill in this instance without a gun? Don't conservatives have a fit when a cop is killed anymore? Or is it just when black people shoot cops?

"The blade itself incites to violence"

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