And it isn't as though this is the first time the people have been buried under a mountain of corporate money. In 1896 William Jennings Bryan was outspent 5 to 1 by the creature of business William McKinley, crushing the Populist uprising against the robber barons. The Populists were a rural phenomenon, closed minded, racist, and so on but with some element of class-consciousness. They understood that East Coast banks were milking their labor and extracting wealth from the West to aggrandize the urban elite. Not just banks but railroads and all sorts of speculators as well.
While the historian Richard Hofstadter characterized the Populists as frustrated capitalists in The Age of Reform
The difference between then and now, I hate to say, is that the United States was a rising society then. Wealth was actually being created, things were being built. Today, we are in decline, it is now undeniable. When people are so clueless that they would actually vote for a dictator and cheer about it. When the predominating meme is "fuck your neighbor." When wealth is being again extracted from working people, not to build anything, but to buy useless trinkets for traders. Traders; those useless bullies and louts who crashed the economy and then stuck us up for a bailout. And the greatest feat those assholes pulled was to convince lots of uneducated bigots, in Wisconsin and all over the US, that they were on their side!
Go big or go home I guess. When the con men and bullies that are selling us out left and right can pose, successfully in so many eyes, as the champions of the downtrodden even as they inflict more and more pain on those very downtrodden.
Well, I've got nothing. This isn't some dumbass fundamentalist sneaking on to the school board. It is hundreds of thousands of people wildly cheering dictatorship. It is big money from billionaires buying government and masses of people too dumb to figure out that it is bad for them.
Welcome to the permanent state of Mississippi North.
PS. The gloating from the meatheads is already unbearable. If you thought they were arrogant before, God, you've seen nothing yet.
Well, aren't we an intellectual elitist...
ReplyDeleteProve my point much?