Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Nicked Armor?

From Politico:

'Orphan' state parties worry GOP

"National Republicans have begun to intervene in a handful of key Senate and House battlegrounds where state parties are in disarray, seeking to head off the possibility that local mismanagement could cost the party control of Congress."

It seems the grand money party has experienced more than a few takeovers by "outsider" hacks. True believers that freak out the moneymen. Or at least that is one factor as the GOTV operations and local campaigns move away from state parties. This leaves the professional political entrepreneurs looking for the green elsewhere, like the superpacs and other extreme corruptions of democracy.

This is a very welcome development for those of us who do not want to see the United States decline further. It could be a first step in isolating and quarantining the crazy that has taken over the money party. The "conservative" coalition has always been shaky, with groups of extremely conflicted ideas and priorities united under the banner of hating government for one reason or another.

This campaign season therefore will be an important test of people vs money. If conservative entrepreneurs leave the state party apparatus for glassy-eyed troglodytes to run, the loss of competence could create great opportunities for Democrats to win local races. Some of these state parties are in really bad shape, which just runs counter to the conventional wisdom that republicans always have more money than they know what to do with. I have a feeling that trying to feed money down to these orphans will be extremely inefficient for national republicans. [insert amused chuckle here]

How much can fox news and the other arms of conservative media replace the expensive GOTV operation? What will happen if glassy-eyed purists are more concerned with purging and infighting in local politics? If the competent, but evil, money-chasers are all seeking personal fortune elsewhere up the food chain, will the epsilon semi-morons of the base left in charge make the gop an even bigger laughing stock than it already is? Obviously, these problems are in big coastal blue states and interior states denuded of intelligence. In a swing state like Wisconsin, there are still opportunities for the lean and hungry types.

The vast wasteland I live in is covered in "I'm with stupid" signs, aka, stand with walker. Even though the true believers pride themselves in their self-reliance, those signs did not make themselves. The RNC has regurgitated ten million down to the director of koch industries Midwestern operations in the effort to get these authoritarian followers somewhat organized. The real money is in ALL THOSE GODDAMN TV ADS!

To generalize, competent, professionals will volunteer to phone bank and walk precincts for Democrats because they want to restore sanity to state government. However, competent republicans need big bucks for the same effort. The people who will volunteer for the gop are a freakshow of racists, rednecks, bullies, and fundamentalists. Not the kind who will persuade many people. So June 5th when the big showdown occurs will be very interesting to say the least.

That's my take on this story. Predicting the future is always hard, but the opportunities to discredit the psychos and put competent officials back in government (especially re-taking the House in November so they aren't able to hold us hostage anymore) are appearing and look good. Political parties as organizations have been declining for over half a century, this phenomenon is well-studied by historians. In this new age of money domination, grass-roots organizing combined with net-roots and social media may be able to reenergize parties as vehicles for reclaiming government from both conservative entrepreneurs leeching money from Democracy Inc. and the fundamentalist wackos trying to force everyone back to the dark ages.

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