Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Just another lone wolf

It is long past the time to confront the growing number of incidents of political violence in this country. Even if hate crimes committed or prevented against Americans who happen to be LGBT are not considered as politically-motivated, there are a rash of attacks against stated enemies of the right-wing revival that are threatening democracy. Just to be clear, I do not care about alleged leftist or radical threats or the insults that are falsely equated to real threats of violence, the cops beating protesters have that "under control." If anyone had the right to fight back, it would be the people who are so "unconstitutionally" assembling peacefully and petitioning their government for redress of grievances.

Unlike the severe beatings endured by Occupy protesters, teabaggers phone it in like cowards.
Take the latest "brave" lone wolf curmudgeon,William O. Diederich, a 61 year old child who is so brain dead he repeatedly called Democratic Party of Wisconsin's offices to threaten them.

Starting way back on "Feb. 24... Diederich left a voice mail message stating that when the building explodes, the bombings of Sterling Hall on the UW-Madison campus and the federal building in Oklahoma City will 'seem like a firecracker compared to what's gonna happen to you people.'
The message states that the building was going to blow up 'one of these days.'
'I'm not going to tell you how it's gonna happen 'cause I don't know exactly how it's gonna happen, but I can guarantee it's going to happen, and I tell ya, it's not going to be good,' the caller, alleged to be Diederich, states in the message."

For some reason, the brave Diederich left 100 messages of this sort. According to the research of Robert Altemeyer on right-wing authoritarian followers, this is exactly the sort of behavior that a dingbat like this would engage in. Driven by sheer hatred and threatened by the fear of upsetting the "traditional" order of thing, an RWAF desires to inflict harm through violence, but only if the target cannot fight back and only if it is implicitly endorsed by authority he respects.

I guess we should be happy that these rugged individuals are sufficiently atomized that they could not get a full posse or lynch mob together to act on their violent impulses. It does say a lot that it took federal law enforcement to arrest this particular nutjob, scotty must have been too busy with out-of-state fundraisers to pay much attention to this lone wolf. Moreover, we the non-RWAFs in Wisconsin are vulnerable to politically-motivated violence due to the republican state government's refusal to enforce the laws equally. This will only invite more of the same. And with thousands of new concealed carry RWAFs running around legally armed, what are the odds of a real lone wolf attack occurring?
No, don't be silly Mr. Kraken, these ideological zealots would never implicitly give the green light to attack their enemies to lone wolves. Maybe, maybe not. 'Wingers come in all shapes and sizes. Usually their bravery only extends to yelling expletives at people from their pickups or stealing yard signs in the night. But it only takes one true believer with a concealed carry permit to shoot up a Democratic office building or college campus. And every step we take closer to the regularization of politically-motivated violence gets us closer to open civil war.

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