Thursday, May 3, 2012

More violence

A study in contrasts.
In a country that endures around 10,000 murders a year, mostly from guns, we get some strange reporting on violence sometimes.

I saw this story floating around the intertubes yesterday.
Many blacks beat white couple, media bury attack
But the catch headline was more specific:
Just for fun (and a sinking suspicion that this wasn't quite right) I fed the second headline into google and got 914,000 hits. Wingnuts were plastering the story all over the place in social media and news comment sections. It never seems to occur to writers like this that they are part of the media.

"There’s outrage in Norfolk, Va., today after a white couple was attacked by dozens of black teenagers, and the local newspaper did not report on the incident for two weeks, despite the victims being reporters for the paper."

I guess when you're making a propaganda point dozens is the same as 100.

In the report "neither suffered grave injuries, but both were out of work for a week. Forster’s torso ached from blows to his ribs, and he retained a thumb-sized bump on his head. Rostami reportedly fears to be alone in her home, while Forster wishes he’d stayed in the car."

So besides the racist implications for those that seem bent on race war, there was no serious injuries. Very scary for sure, I would not want to be rushed by dozens of angry people no matter how much melenin their skin contained. But at least it wasn't an apocalyptic murder suicide.

Oh wait, here's one.
Border Guard founder J.T. Ready blamed in Arizona murder-suicide
From the Los Angeles Times
"Jason Todd Ready never made a secret of his passion for right-wing politics and related causes, both of which got the bearded, barrel-chested former Marine branded a racist, an extremist and a bigot. In a lifetime of moving through mainstream politics in Arizona as well as within the semi-military world of less-established groups, Ready built a reputation for in-your-face confrontations, founding an armed volunteer group dedicated to patrolling the Mexico border and ending the smuggling of illegal immigrants and drugs.
On Wednesday, Ready entered a Gilbert, Ariz., home and opened fire, killing four people, including a 15-month-old girl, said Gilbert Police Sgt. Bill Balafas. Ready then turned a handgun on himself, ending his life at age 39, the sergeant said."

I wonder what the wingnut meme will be for this one. J.T. Ready was a folk hero in certain segments of the the wingnutosphere. You know, standing up for our borders and such like.
Talking Points Memo elaborated on the military hardware found at the scene.
"[ATF agent] Mangan described the bombs as 40mm armor-piercing projectile grenades, the same type used by the U.S. military in combat. The grenades are generally fired from some sort of launcher, but Mangan said no such weapon was found at the scene."

I am not trying to establish equivalance, I am not casting judgement. Just noting the continuing violence in this society. Before any trolls try to provoke, yes the assailants in the first case should be arrested and charged with assault. The second should be investigated thoroughly, but with a murder suicide there is not much that can really be done. Probably not the last we will hear from the story though. Are we ever going to say enough with violence?

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