Friday, May 4, 2012

Democratic Gubernatorial Debate

Tom Barrett, Kathleen Falk, Kathleen Vinehout, and Doug La Follette are debating right now for the Democratic nomination to face scott walker in the recall election. It is hard to keep up.

First question was about collective bargaining. All candidates support restoring those rights for public workers. Barrett was forcefully in favor of getting it done this summer by any of several methods.

Medicaid. Vinehout claims $2bil is misallocated because of poorly run contractors, Act 10 gives governor too much authority to mess the system up.

So far, Falk does remind me of the caricature of stiff, eggheaded liberals that slimy propagandists constantly push.

La Follette just seems too old to really carry this fight through. He has put forward his family name's "Wisconsin Idea" on several occasions.

Vinehout sounds really hoarse. Very passionate about the environment though, advocates giving DNR more freedom to work and allow them to testify in front of the leg. She really says great things. It is a complete "duh" that contractors are doing public work that government workers could do themselves for much less.

Barrett: "Economic growth and environmental protection are not enemies"

Falk: get people working again, hold her to that in two years. Heal state. Throw walker in jail (oh wait, that's me) Falk wants to be state's "Mom"

Vinehout: roll back tax cuts, alternative budget. working people got tax raises by walker and affluent got cuts, (duh) she wants to roll things back to the way they were.

Barrett: tax cuts that are actually generating jobs will be held off from rolling back
stressed fairness. shared sacrifice. He's already fighting the general election. Rightly.

Falk: no tax hikes on working families. Rollback "Vegas" loophole to restore edu. funding

La Follette: get rid of loophole for out of state corps. GOOD. Argues he's most electable because he doesn't have the same hatred against him from wingnuts

Barrett: has son attending UW-Madison. Tech. schools cut funding. jobs are needed to get edu. funding. econ. must grow to get revenue

Falk: How to get jobs B? Edu. leads to jobs, need educated workers to innovate for manufacturing

Vinehout: more revenue available in this budget than last, edu just not a priority for sheithead walker
"NOT ALL SMART STUDENTS ARE RICH" deserve shot if you're working class

Tim Hanna Mayor of Appleton "how to repair partisanship?"
Falk: Keep family together and allow all to save face
La Follette: civility, no special interest agenda, can sit down with all sides, scientific background
Vinehout: calm turmoil around state, "gov 'herself'" restore civil environment, open door, follow laws, no secrecy, gov sets tone, calm and respectful tone necessary
Barrett: mayors get together and discuss things without partisanship, local level pragmatism, respect for people you disagree with.

Heart with Vinehout, head says Barrett.

Oohh, V just said "vote Democrat" have to inform her what that slip means. Can we at least not shoot the team by framing out.

Barrett can admit there is an ideological civil war here in WI since walker slinked into office. Don't agree with his thoughts on ending war, but at least he can admit it.

Falk, cheap shot at B. Smiling insincerely.

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