A political science professor I had once told the class in a completely sincere voice that history and social studies textbooks in high school now mention more about Harriet Tubman than George Washington. He also in that sincere voice reported to us the completely debunked but nonetheless widely believed myth that Clinton White House staffers removed all the "W" keys from their computers. On the first, I had to borrow a social studies book from one of the baby bmxers who rode with us to debunk it. His book had a picture and a paragraph about Tubman and six pages about GW, with several pictures and many references to him in other sections. I may have mentioned this episode before, and to my anonymous readers this may seem apocryphal, but I bring it up because the past and our understanding of it is not intuitive.
Humans are really the only lifeform that can understand and remember our past. Collective and individual history informs our views on life and choices we make in the present. It is not automatic, nor is even our own memory completely reliable. Unfortunately I packed away all my books on the study of history itself, the only one I can remember is nostalgia. But many factors influence how we remember the past, better than it was, worse than it was, or completely different than it really was.
Which brings us to the point, the worst offense a real historian can make is maliciously rewriting the past to push an agenda. Orwell was not kidding when he wrote Ingsoc's motto "He who controls the past controls the future, and he who controls the present controls the past."
Mississippi Republicans Seek To Ban Liberal History In Social Studies Courses
"Conservatives have made strong efforts in the past few years to rewrite textbooks and brainwash school kids with their own twisted version of history. Mississippi Republicans are the latest to attack education, and they plan to pass a bill in the legislature that would practically ban liberalism in class rooms and in textbooks." Link Here and the original source here.
This just smells of another in the long line of relentless power grabs by dumbass neanderthal conservative ideologues. It is not an attack on expertise per se, just the Asimovian axiom that the authoritarian gut is as good a source of expertise as a proficiently trained historian. "My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." No, it isn't. Democracy is the best method we've come up with for tolerably just government, it is not an excuse to pull everything down to the lowest common denominator. Especially when that denominator no longer exists. Movement conservatives do not agree with the rest of America on ANYTHING. There really is no common ground.
What this bill and its supporters wants to do, in case I haven't stated it openly enough, is to intimidate teachers into submitting to teach their agenda. Airbrush liberalism completely out of American history, despite its permeating all aspects of history and even the so-called conservatism in America. So history will be whatever conservative trolls say it is.
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