Just found out I have a "fan/troll/critic" now. Exciting since I don't think anyone reads this but depressing as well. Peter's comments make it pretty clear that even college educated cons aren't interested in debate or constructive dialogue. They're right and if you don't believe what they tell you (anecdotally or superficially, one word Pete, "sources") or live the way you are "supposed" to then you deserve personal, ad hominem attacks and unsubstantiated invective. In other words, you are scum and your personal life is fair game. One little piece of proof that there can be no bipartisanship, no cooperation between parties. Selfish, privileged preppies just need to be defeated. They have no sympathy or understanding of the larger society, so why/how could anyone who does have those values work with them? It's just "I got mine and blame yourself if life shits on you."
My title here is just reference to the details about me in my profile. Since Peter obviously doesn't remember me from high school and well, obviously people change a lot in 15 years, he just used what I wrote against me. It has been eating me up a little, but does show just how sexist, vulgar, and coarse the other side really is. Now, what I mean is, if it was a 33 year old woman staying home with her new baby and going back to school for an advanced degree, it's a good bet that even the hardest-hearted corporate swine would say "good for you." Nor would they consider her "unemployed" because let me tell you, being a stay at home parent is more than a full-time job. But since men are "supposed" to be the breadwinner and are ridiculed if they elect to stay home, it is just fine for this fucking maggot to let loose this kind of bullshit.
Vulgar, and therefore also ignorant and closed-minded, because you have to be an "idiot" as he later accuses me of, to think that the class-warriors' wrecking of the economy has left all men able to get a comfy, privileged job sucking the teat of their liege's largesse. Truth is, I have plenty of personal knowledge and experience of how corporate America functions. And I fucking hate it! All the backstabbing, posturing, layoffs, outsourcing, reneging on contracts, and generally treating Americans like sheep to be shorn. I have had enough of that! Three times in seven years I was laid off involuntarily (i.e. I did not do anything to "deserve" it) from companies that also had "generous" owners, but my life was still thrown into chaos because of it. Yes, I elected to withdraw from the rat-race and hopefully never return, corporate America does nothing but burn you at both ends and then discard you when they can't "use" you any more.
Peter, you've obviously never experienced hardship in your entire preppy life have you? Let me make some equally unsubstantiated speculations about your "personal choices." You slouched your way through high school, went to college on mommy and daddy's dime, married your high school sweetheart who stood by you without fail, and got a slot in some corporation due to family or other social connections, able to live the "American Dream" that is so out of reach for the majority of Americans these days, never having to make hard choices or sacrifices that people like me have had to make.
Coarse, because you really have to be delusional and living in some social darwinist fantasy to expect anyone who has worked for a living to feel sorry for someone who inherited enough money to buy 10 restaurants. We should all be so lucky, especially since Wisconsin Hospitality Group, who you work for and whose owner you're so melodramatically praising for his generousity, canned a friend of mine after a decade of service. My friend worked for him since he was 16 and was so loyal, dedicated, and hard-working that he rose to the position of general manager by the time he was 20. Where's the sympathy for my friend and his 3 kids?
Social Darwinism is pretty apt here, since that ideology holds that the poor are poor by nature, and inherited wealth needs to be subsidized and protected, because by nature again they are society's winners and therefore society should bend over backwards to reward and encourage their greed while the poor should just go die somewhere. Then the privileged wonder why the people left for dead might some day feel justified in robbing you or invading your privileged "gated communities" like the no-intersection, MacMansion cul-de-sacs that have replaced working-class Levittown style suburbs. "Cut the school budget, we need more cops!"
Let me tell you, while your liege got "raped" by the estate tax (gosh wouldn't it be wonderful to inherit enough money to have to pay that? Only about 2% of people ever do) my grandparents had all of their property confiscated to pay for their nursing home care, so my parents inherited nothing. A lifetime of hard work, frugal saving, and paying taxes for what?!? This is the ending that is in store for most of us, all to avoid the "socialism" of every other advanced nation, single-payer health care. I know it would be beyond your capacity to contemplate how much your beloved liege would gain by not having to offer "self-insurance" and expend precious company HR time to administer the minefield of private health insurance.
You also had the impressive lack of tact to bring up my military service, yes while you were getting wasted at frat parties I was changing track in the Kentucky clay, performing 24 hour guard-duty, and pulling 20 days a month in the field. If you had served your country you would know that the military isn't about "sacrificing the few to save the many" it is "watch your buddy's back" and "work as a team." You are not a selfish individual in the Army, you are part of something greater than yourself and you sacrifice your own comfort and happiness for your buddies. Not because the big, bad, government or *gasp* the Democrats forced you to, but because we're all in this together!
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