[Sanders] is the real deal. It is hard to look at his life and his record and not see that this is a genuine and sincere leader who really cares about people. Average people, working people, middle-class people; Sanders stands for them and stands against the very wealthy and the powerful interests who have made it so hard to get ahead. He is exactly the kind of person who should be president. (emphasis mine)While I am still remaining neutral about the primary, except Pete because smarmy arrogance aside I just am not ready to vote for someone younger than me for president, I am warming up to a Sanders nomination. This is not because I have forgiven the frat boys who acted like entitled left-wing authoritarian followers always personally attacking anyone who wasn't on board with their idea of "revolution". Not because he isn't running against an "heir apparent" candidate. I admit being somewhat fixated on the idea that Democratic succession would cause the stinking edifice of fascists and permanent rebels to creak and wobble enough that we could get back on track to a functioning democracy. However, the party has shown time and again that they aren't really interested in changing, that Thomas Frank was right all along and left to their own devices Democrats will continue the elite meritocracy while the majority of people fall behind.
Outsiders are the only people who seem to ever ignite the popular imagination. I don't believe in some supernatural force that corrupts politicians once they get to DC, but it is easy to fall in line and continue to do the "business as usual" thing. We are well past that point now. Everyone outside the death cult of human suffering that is the entirety of the republican party had better get used to the idea that you don't get to fall back to sleep after a Democrat wins the White House, as happened after Obama's victories. The midterm election of 2018 showed that if people get out and get involved they can overturn even the hardest and most calcified structure, it is possible. Now, 2020 is the real deal, a chance to overthrow the tyrant and his equally evil supporters, enablers, and apologists. Moreover, the "revolution from within" aspect of Bernie should energize people to get involved and keep it going after winning an election.
If Sanders is the nominee, the Democratic Party leadership becomes obsolete. His supporters get to build a new infrastructure within the party, if they can keep together and organized. If having Bernie at the top of the ticket will inspire some young people to get out and do something, at least vote, there is a chance that democracy can survive. But then we have to stay involved, keep tweeting, keep telling Chris Matthews, David Brooks, and all the "both siderists" that they are full of crap. Start blogs, build networks, challenge the old fossils that talk down to you but don't know a damn thing about politics. Keep hope alive. All of my friends who are politically active are behind Bernie 100%, there may be an element of bandwagon jumping in this post but so be it.
After doughfacedonny's "victory" the Democratic Party sent me a survey asking what I wanted to see them do in the face of a fascist takeover (not their words certainly), they did not do any of the things I suggested. The political press has shown over and over that they do not understand the threat democracy and the constitution face. As Driftglass often writes, the Democratic Party is always fighting a war on four fronts: against the republicans, against the cynical political press and both siderism, against the self-proclaimed left of Glenn Greenwald/Jill Stein who just want to burn it all down, and against the inert half of the country that cannot be roused to give a damn about anything in their government. Bernie supporters are not among these groups, from what I have seen they do not want to blow it all up and are smart enough to realize that this would just play into the death cult's hands. But Tom Perez, James Carville, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer are not up to the task of leading this war on four fronts. If the torch is passed to leaders in the Sanders campaign, it will be up to them to fight this war.
I want to be a part of this movement, but I don't want to lead. I have never inspired anyone to do anything political. I can nurture and build enthusiasm that is already there, I can counsel leaders with what wisdom I have but I am not someone who can go out and take power in any capacity. Here's the deal, no one's reach is too small. Build your blog or your podcast, share it with me and I will do what I can to increase that reach. Start dialogue, on my page or somewhere and I will contribute where possible. Build and include; Bernie's "revolution" as I understand it, is to organize a self-sustaining movement to enrich democracy and advance justice. Democratic socialist, social democrat, or whatever label you want to affix to it is fine, but having a real team that supports each other is the important part. Instead of a group of consultants and media specialists that talk at us, beg for donations, scream about how bad republicans are and how catastrophic the fall will be if they don't raise X by tonight, then go back to their comfortable lives doing as they please.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm willing to take a chance.
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