So to prove how trampled upon they were, they elected a man who ensured that none of their kids would get a decent education and would leave the state at the earliest possibility. Thus ensuring that stagnation, economic and social, persisted in their communities. But it's cool because there was a black man in their White House to blame. The few Democrats in my area had always been demoralized by the sea of militant ignorance around us. And I was blacklisted against any possibility of employment. So don't fucking tell me not one answer to a thousand resumes and cover letters wasn't personal. And I was now overqualified for blue collar work too, not that any factories were hiring during the great recession.
Eight years later, Wisconsin is basically a shell of it's former self. The state is no longer really a laboratory of democracy, and has almost no residual progressivism that marked public life and made the Badger state such a good place to live. I guess I never really understood or appreciated what a difference the progressive income tax made in smoothing out funding for schools, libraries, and other public services. In Illinois, the rich pay the same low (though the one rate was raised slightly when the new budget) percentage of their income as the working class. Therefore, we have a 10%+ sales tax, out-of-control property taxes, toll roads, red light camera automated traffic tickets, and a million other labor/cost intensive revenue streams all diluted by the corporate interests who get a piece of it when they corrupt the politicians. These interests do not care if it is Democrats or republicans they corrupt and lobby to get their rents, so every time I see a reprogrammable meatbag commenting on the corruption of the "Democrat Party" in Chicago or Springfield I want to mail them dungbombs. That is the road that Scotty put Wisconsin on, cut progressive taxes and jack up user fees. The republicans floated toll roads a while back as a great idea but probably had to abandon it because it would mainly hit their voters commuting into Milwaukee. And Wisconsin probably would have a train running from Milwaukee to Madison by now if Scotty hadn't refused it.
You don't even need to name details. Everything Scotty says was a self-serving lie, everything his pet republican legislature did was to inflict maximum cruelty on their "enemies" in education.
Good riddance. It will take 16 to 24 years of continuous Democratic governance to recover from Scotty and his thugs' destructive 8 years.
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