The occupying plutocracy finally scored their big "win" Friday night while most of it's subjects slept. The wavering senators showed their true loyalty to party (donors) and fell in line, despite the unpopularity of raising taxes on the supposed middle class that hasn't quite been finished off yet by republican scorched earth policy. The Orwellian "tax cuts and jobs act" that doughface Donny wanted to call the cut, cut, cut act because he's a fucking child, is effectively a tax hike for most Americans that will lead to an imposed recession and massive job losses. It has to be assumed that a majority of the re-programmable meat socks who voted for Donny and the death cult of human suffering will see their taxes go up as a result. As it must also be assumed that most of those meat socks will suffer from the next economic collapse and recession inflicted on Americans by the republicans and predatory capitalism they worship. The script is always the same, deficits are horrible under a Democratic administration but just fine and dandy under the leader of the death cult. What happens now?
How much do you have to hate the poor and how much do you have to love the leaders who push policies that make you poor to never learn the lesson? It goes without saying that many of the meat socks who voted to make a game show host president are old, even the baby boomers are old now. That means that those old people who lived through the stagflation of the '70s, the jobless recoveries, the recessions, the collapse of 2007-9, and every other structural setback that republicans have inflicted on the lives of everyday Americans, voted for their own assassins in spite of every possible good sense they possess. If ever there was a time to shun the morons who vote republican, this is it. They have earned every opprobrium I have ever heaved upon them, re-programmable meat socks, nazi sympathizers, authoritarian followers, willfully stupid, and completely anti-American if that word can possibly mean anything.
But this "fuck you peasant, starve " bill was the end that justified every means. Bush at least held out a crumb or two for the middle class by dropping the marginal rates while setting up the massive deficits, speculative bubbles, and cuts to government spending. This latest giveaway actually raises taxes on the middle class while ladling out the filthy lucre to corporations. Every supposed value the republican party had was stomped on, every supposed crime that republicans accused Barack Obama of was perpetrated by they themselves in the pursuit of these fucking tax cuts for the rich. No matter how much this monstrosity was kept secret, no matter how roughshod the bare republican majority rode over the opposition, and no matter how fast it was jammed through, the media will never let go of how Obama did the same thing with the ACA even though he didn't happen. This was literally voted on in the middle of the night with fucking hand-scrawled notes in the margins.
We are well and truly fucked. It doesn't matter if the blue wave actually occurs in the mid terms. It doesn't matter if doughface Donny and every one of his slimy cronies are frogmarched out in handcuffs. This hack and slash job on federal revenue will finally finish the apotheosis of corporations, permanently enshrine a lawless plutocracy, and render the sovereignty of the people through their government as meaningless. Those angry, racist baby boomers who voted for the game show host may not have to live through the coming dark ages but the rest of us may as well kiss civilization goodbye.
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