This assertion from Jeff Simpson's litany of betrayals and let downs from progressive media that I began analyzing in a previous post fails to look at the long game practiced by the authoritarian right. The long slog starting in the 1970s with the formation of the Heritage foundation and the other right wing think tanks who pump out ways to manipulate the media and the electorate. Then the elaborate plans for stripping the middle class of their rights and hard won quality of life. The monied special interests that dragged the fifty yard line so far to the right, nor those same corporations taking over the mainstream media and systematically removing any vestige of progressive opinion aren't mentioned anywhere in your article. And finally the long slog of taking over the Republican Party and public offices at low levels that proceeded the takeover by Scott Walker.
So sure, if you don't count those decades of patient preparation and planning that took place before the Koch brothers implanted their goggle-eyed homunculus in the governor's mansion it was only four months.
The so-called "conservative movement" that spawned the culture wars and free market fundamentalism did not metastasize overnight either.
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