The response to Anahad O'Connor's article in the NYT will get considerably less circulation that the original mugwump poor-shaming article, but The Center for American Progress did share it to their Facebook page, so hat tip to them because I never would have found it otherwise. Talk Poverty is a project of CAP that I had not heard of previously but under that byline Rebecca Vallas and Katherine Gallagher Robbins take the NYT to task for misrepresenting what the study actually said. I am presenting my comments on it in a vain attempt to draw more attention to the topic of contempt for the weak, which Umberto Eco included as part of point 10 of eternal fascism and which will continue to play the central role of our new white nationalist regime.
O'Connor's article is an attempt to discipline the poor, as Richard Hofstadter would have well recognized from his study of the Mugwump faction of the GOP during the Gilded Age. This is elite, shall we say "aristocratic", liberalism that wanted to take governing and legislating away from those icky partisans while forcing the working class to behave in a manner that the aristocrats approve of. Thomas Frank translated the idea of Mugwumpism from Hofstadter's study to today's heroic anti-tobacco crusaders and noble knights in the fight against sugary drinks by writing:
it reminds us of something about the patrician strain of reform he represents–that we have seen politicians like Bloomberg before. During the nineteenth century, a long string of saintly aristocrats fought to reform the state and also to adjust the habits and culture of working-class people. These two causes were the distinctive obsessions of the wealthy liberals of the day: government must be purified, and working people must learn to behave. They had to be coerced into giving up bad habits. They had to learn the ways of thrift and hard work. There had to be sin taxes. Temperance. Maybe even prohibition.

The point of the original article from the NYT was to spark outrage that poor people spend a greater proportion of their grocery budget (i.e. the money they steal from white conservatives in the form of SNAP) on soda. The title was In the Shopping Cart of a Food Stamp Household: Lots of Soda
and the accompanying pictures were a cart full of two liters and a presumably poor person standing in the soda aisle at a grocery store. But... the actual difference, what the USDA actually found... with empirical evidence? SNAP families spend 5% of their budgets on soda. Versus 4% for non-SNAP. Put that into perspective, if you spend $100 a week on groceries for your family, that's basically a 12-pack of soda.
But you can bet that this bullshit article will be cited liberally when it is time to start cutting spending to justify those tax cuts. And oh boy oh boy are republican governors and state legislators going to have a ball deciding what poor people are allowed to buy with SNAP when the USDA is firmly under republican control.
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