Heck of a week huh? I apologize for my absence but I have been moving and trying to get settled in our new home. And I have been just floored by the brazen incompetence and mean-spirited nonsense coming out of Cleveland. I couldn't handle listening to any of the knuckle-draggers' speeches for more than a couple minutes and nearly lost my lunch when I caught our dumb senator from Wisconsin nasally whine through some horse puckey or other. About the only live segments I could handle was NBC's panel coverage, kind of like looking at an eclipse through a pinhole or reflector.
Then Thursday night happened... Now, was anyone expecting anything different? Of course Trump played Mussolini, Nixon, and George Wallace all wrapped up in a bad wig and orange skin. How was it actually different than the post 9/11 GOP poo flinging festivals? Of course they call for Hillary to be locked up, no one was able to punish them for lying the country into a way or financial collapse or for their obstruction along the way. The republican elite can do anything and their base of fascists will lap it up like dogs. They get away with openly flouting democracy and we'll just shrug and say "we can't do anything about it because freedom of speech". This is how authoritarianism takes hold in a free society.
But there is one last bulwark against the Trumpsterdreifung (takeover). Hillary Clinton and the Democrats are imperfect but they are the last line of defense. So, on the bright side this could all be a flash in the pan. Hillary could win. In decent world with a functioning democracy and an elite that respected the bountiful profits that can be made in a free country instead of the corporate totalitarian order, it would be a no-brainer. But we will be fighting and struggling the whole way. And then a new Clinton administration will have to fight with and survive a anti-American, disloyal opposition. The fight of our lives, again.
However, things could align and the authoritarian beast beaten back. More than a few die-hard 'wingers will give up in the face of their cheeto champion's defeat. Probably not an insignificant number will fall off the political face of the map. Bland, milquetoast Democrats may finally turn the tide in this civil war. Good will not win, but evil will be kept at bay. And we can all laugh at them, the ignorant, the racists, the gutter trash meth heads rubbing shit in their hair. They will either slink away, scream incoherently but harmlessly, or pick up one of their many assault weapons and "show us."
Won't be pretty in any case, but this could be when it is darkest before the dawn. At the very least we won't have to look at Trump on the TeeVee machine anymore or listen to talking heads plather on about him. This could be where a critical mass of adults finally say "ENOUGH!"
I'll take it. Consigning American fascism to the dustbin will be worth it.
I'm with her.
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