Friday, June 17, 2016

Manifesto For the Feeble-minded

Yes, who are these ignorant bigots that support the vulgar talking yam? And why shouldn't we be surprised that their identity can fit in a meme? Who actually made this thing? I don't want to say where I found this but let's say it is not your typical rally goer. I don't know if that makes him a simpleton but is Quisling out really the best way to protect your masculinity and guns? When the Trumptergreifung  occurs do you really think "I'm on your side" is going to protect you from the Klan members or keep you out of a concentration camp? The lack of spelling errors or glaring grammatical mistakes makes me think this was a professional job but despite many different queries to the Google I could not trace this meme's progression.

Makes one think that there is some order to the flag encrusted bullet points if it was actually designed and not slap-assed together. Let's see: "hate", "repealed", "sick of", "fed-up with", "tired of", and a lot of "wants"; this is the whiniest document I've seen in some time. First off, you fascist pricks don't "hate liberal ideology" you hate liberals, your fellow Americans, and you want them disappeared. You couldn't define liberalism if you wanted to, beyond what Fox News and Rush Limbaugh have programmed you to recite on command, which bears no resemblance to real world liberalism. No, you hate liberals, which you define as anyone who disagrees with you. I'm surprised that hating Black Lives Matter didn't make this list, or would that have been too obvious?

Second, Obamacare repeal. Why? So you can go back to being at the mercy of insurance companies? The Affordable Care Act was based on a Republican proposal from the Heritage Foundation. Which part do you want back so badly, the one where your kids are kicked off at 18 or where the insurance company drops you or refuses to cover you because you might get sick? Or are you mad because poor people got some help paying their premiums? Just a good ole' punch down. But then you want "our vets taken care of", yes I do too, but who created all those vets who need care and then turned around and cut their benefits and funding VA hospitals? Yes that was George W. Bush, but he never existed in 'wingerdom so never mind that.

Hillary for prison? Yeah, I've seen that T-Shirt. Someone sure is raking in the dough from that one. Couldn't impeach President Obama for anything so it's time to up the ante some more. Please, by all means, hold your breath and stomp up and down, I'm sure eventually you can wish her to jail. From the looks of the Trump U case I'd say the vulgar talking yam ending up in prison is the more likely scenario. Corruption? Sure, I'm with you there but it takes a special kind of stupid to believe sending one of the most corrupt businessmen in America to the White House will do anything but ramp up corruption to Jupiter and back. Same with bringing jobs back, I'd love that too but again, Trump has outsourced so much of his own schemes is he really the one you trust to "renegotiate" trade deals?

Self-funded, now there is the ultimate exercise in self-delusion. First of all Trump loaned money to his campaign and expects to make it back with interest from all of you gullible idiots. Second, the first thing he did after securing the presumptive nomination was to declare that he was going to raise a billion dollars from all those special interests. The same ultra-wealthy owners of corporations that outsource jobs and hire illegal immigrants to push down your wages and standard of living. But hang on to that dream kiddies.

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