Sunday, December 21, 2014

A Simple List

What's happening with WI under the Tea Party is exactly what the reactionary right wing wants:

1. Reduce taxes and therefore revenue to fund state government (starve the beast);

 2. Reduce/ degrade public education to encourage "investment" into a private education marketplace (subsidized by the state) that will provide just enough training and literacy for a passive skilled workforce (no unions or state protection);

 3. Transfer wealth to the top 10% to create dependence entirely on the private sector for economic development (on their own terms--e.g., no safety or pollution controls);

 4. Reduce/ degrade public services (e.g., healthcare, food subsidies, heating assistance) to increase unconditional dependence on the private sector for wages dictated by (their) "market" forces;

 5. Promote racial and religious division to enable fearful middling class people (who will see themselves as such, irrespective of reality) to keep focused on the poor rather than the manipulations by the top 10%.

The corporate/ capitalist state as championed by the John Birch Society and as foreseen by Karl Marx. ;o) Have a nice day.

-Lincoln Log

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