After my own tour of duty I spent several years working in a factory. The local AM station replayed his awful show at midnight during my shift and I would tune in in an effort to stay awake while working. Between an incredible display of hatred for all things not Michael Savage, juvenile insults and name calling from a man who purportedly holds two Ph.Ds, and his yelling/spitting delivery I would get so angry that I was alert and awake beyond anything coffee could do for me. His racism, misogyny, and outright fascism has earned him a special place in hell. If he even has a soul. I always imagined that he would split down the middle during one of his rants about vermin (immigrants), demoncats (guess), filthy scum (anyone receiving public assistance), or other colorful metaphors about Muslims and a stream of cockroaches or maggots would pour out.
Again, for an individual with two Ph.Ds., there is remarkably little insight or intellectual creativity to his hate. I do not recall an original thought or line of reasoning from him, just vitriolic streams of invective for which ever Democrat happened to be in the news that day. Savage is the epitome of what the great conservative intellectual James Burnham described in Suicide of the West
With his attacks on veterans with PTSD he has entered dangerous territory. There is no telling how many lone wolf terrorists he has anonymously programmed to go forth and destroy. I for one will not grieve if one realizes he's been had and comes home for revenge.
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