Saturday, July 5, 2014

Windy City Sea Monster

I have been blogging from the red depths of Washington County, Wisconsin for just over 8 years now. I will be relocating to Chicago, Illinois at the end of the summer. It is possible that this change of scenery will allow for a change of title. Some have told me that "Gloomy Historian" is off-putting, it does however have the attraction of being original. Googling it brings me up first, then references to other projects I have stuck my nose in, finally famous historians seen as gloomy. So at least I don't have much living competition, but it could be that GH is a stupid title to begin with. I may be gloomy in outlook, but does that accurately describe the other contributors to this blog? Is there a more inclusive way to express the mission?

On to Chicago. Maybe I am just gloomy because I have spent practically my whole life around closed minded, mean spirited rural folk. This will be the first time the Kraken calls a big city home. What will this experience bring? I began this blog in large part out of frustration, I could not find a place to express myself. Civil conversation was just a joke around here, it was "their way or the highway." If you did not agree with the hard right, you kept your mouth shut. It has not improved and now it seems, practically the entire internet is also this way. The only thing worse than one troll showing up to disrupt a conversation and start screeching, is having them actually be the majority.

Hence, when one bible-thumping whale named ginny maziarka and her colleague in self-righteous hatred mary weigand decided they did not like some things in the library that had absolutely nothing to do with them, the librarians basically stood alone. They had no case of course, but that didn't stop this dynamic duo of dipshittery from demanding books be removed, relabeled, sections of the website taken down, etc. Why? Because they were bored apparently, and demanded fame. A diverse metropolis tends to laugh at morons like this, but here? The frenzied teabaggers whipped up enough hatred against the reality-based conservatives running the city to replace them with troglodytes as brain-damaged as they are. Now, we have a library board member who openly wears a pistol on his hip to meetings, and even to preschool Christmas programs. God I wish I had taken pictures of that to post. When the populace is not a sea of stupid, guys like matt stevens do not get near public office.

And "they" say that big cities like Chicago are corrupt? Our Fourth of July parade yesterday featured a slathering, drooling tribute to the dropout in chief running our state. I really hope a picture of that narcissistic monument to failure surfaces. It was pretty sickening to see such shameless self-promotion on the Republic's birthday. So kiss my scaly ass West Bend, I will not miss you in the slightest. Or your concealed carry museum.

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