Wednesday, September 4, 2013

So much for that Constitution worship

ThinkProgress today reports that a small, republican-dominated county in Northern California voted to secede from the state and form a new, fifty-first state. Proving yet again that conservatives are nothing but whiny little babies with absolutely no concern or respect for anything.

"We want our way." Emphasis on the period, there is no 'and' there is no 'but' it is not even an 'or else'. From now on, "Jefferson" should be the only response to any, any conservative or republican screed about the constitution they claim to revere. That is the name these children want to give to their new state, as in "Davis". You know, president of the rebel confederacy. Seceding from the Union outright in Barack Obama's America has become a nonstarter, a pipedream held now only by the most deluded of conservative babies. But, aha! Seceding from blue states! That's the ticket.

The state of Jefferson, as TP writes: "if Siskiyou [county] formed its own state, those 45,000 people would receive exactly the same amount of representation in the Senate as the nearly 850 times as many people who live in the rest of California." And the littlest state would have one representative in the House that would be ten times as powerful as a congress member from normal areas. This is just as obvious a power grab by rural old white conservatives as the numerous attempts on high to give the GOP continuing relevance in an America that is utterly sick of them. From Gerrymandering to voter ID to dividing California's electoral votes, if you can't win fairly-just cheat.

TP concludes with a passage from the constitution that will test whether there is any strength left our union to oppose blatant authoritarian drives for power. Article 4, Section 3 of the second most sacred document to these children after the Bible very clearly states that this action is unconstitutional.

Will the powers that be roll over to satisfy a tiny population of whiners in Northern California or Northern Colorado? And in doing so effectively transform the United States into an authoritarian dictatorship? Prior to the 21st Century I don't think anyone could have imagined how easily laws are trampled, progress thwarted, and privilege reinforced in America circa 2013. Power will do what power wants now and the rest of us are just spectators.

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