Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Failure by all standards of measure or decency

The recent rush to push through anti-choice legislation is only one more example of how the Tea Party and radical GOP supporters aim to use the law to enforce their own religious values.

The most offensive of these recent laws involves the ultrasound probe of women who seek to terminate a pregnancy. Given that these women have already consulted with a physician, this law is not founded on good medicine. It is, in fact, a waste of time and money. It provides no new information of any medical value. The enforced invasion mandated by this act serves little more than a show of power.

The Tea Party/GOP attack on the freedom of choice for women stems from a religious view alone; this is not science. This is not medicine. This is a senseless assault on women. If such beliefs are practiced in private, that is their right. However, imposing these religious values and beliefs with the power of the state smacks of an inquisition. The fact that the bill’s authors, sponsors, and advocates are overwhelmingly male, suggests a deeper problem with the legislators who support it.

It is likely that this bill also takes attention away from Walker’s failed economic policies. It is an old trick. Divert attention away from serious failures and give people something else to occupy their minds. Walker needs to distract the voters from his gross incompetence. He and his supporters can only show the continued failure in job creation along with an assault on education, jobs, and creating an environment for economic innovation.

Make no mistake. Walker is using WI to seek a national stage and he doesn’t care who he uses: the poor, children, and women. He is happy to turn the religious beliefs of his followers into state law at the expense of human rights and dignity.
--Lincoln Log

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