Evil of course being the universally recognized shorthand for right-wing authoritarian/religious double-high social dominator/demogauge. Yes, they are "smart" in the ways of manipulation and naked ambition, definitely skilled in pursuing self-interest at any cost. Truth, social cohesion, the destruction of definitions, and simple empiricism fall before the onslaught.
Propaganda, the manipulation of public opinion through carefully-constructed lies, blossoms best when planted in a fertile seed of existing prejudice.
So now, yes the kraken is expanding his study of human inhumanity to include those wacky spaceballs. Because sometimes Reinhold Niebuhr, Robert Altemeyer, Thomas Frank, James Burnham, George Lakoff, and Joseph Goebbels have nothing on understanding the intersection of arrogance and ignorance. Mel Brooks gave us the perfect interplay of dummies leading the blind faithful by the nose in Spaceballs
I do not know where the voter fraud conspiracy theory came from, but to self-righteous morons who cannot possibly believe there can be other points of view, it must make some kind of sense. So when I came across Jeff Simpson's post the other day I racked my brain trying to find the right movie metaphor for this moment of derp.
Keep in mind this post was amongst the spaceballs themselves, not trolling some legitimate news site or rational discussion among non-spaceballs.
Just for starters. I followed three different vans with out of state plates carrying around the same groups of people from one polling place to another. They all went in and same day registered then voted. While inside watching same day registrants I observed them all using a letter that appeared to be a form letter as some some proof of residency. This went on all day. That was just one polling place in one city. These type of reports were coming in from all areas. Fraud was RAMPANT. I saw it first hand. The problem with the system is that there is vertically nothing you can do after the fact. Voter ID will go a long way to curtail this.
Now, I won't give it away but find which scene this reminds you of in any Mel Brooks film.
Oh, and if you track the post back through the functional links you can find the drooling originals on Facebook with an account.
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