Now, I worry far more about the freedom from starvation than the right of LGBT marriage but dang... This was a new meme on me, the guy using it as his profile picture shared a last name with a certain right-wing radio personality and when I observed it he was defending the right of Apple computers to pay no taxes. These kind of brain-damaged people vote and influence others. They also often work in businesses where their ignorance and impaired cognitive functions can harm others.
And, not to conflate stupidity with bloodlust, but here is another favorite that "excrement and cranium" has as his cover photo:

"Responsible gun owner" translates to "I lie in wait for dark-skinned males to invade my space so I can kill them" in this case.
In any case, the equality symbol coopted to showcase military grade weapons with no other purpose than to kill as rapidly as possible, just because you can makes a strong case for keeping such weapons away from any individual coveting them. Yes folks, freedom to marry trumps freedom to kill despite the huffing and puffing of cretins.
Speaking of cretins,
DERP! And the summer before that gas was $4.19/gal. You know, when hewhomustnotbenamed was in office.
Again, just because. Make the same claim in any case, just because the other side made it. Call your book "culture of corruption" just because Nancy Polosi uselessly labeled the republican majority as operating within a culture of corruption in the house of representatives. Cry bloody murder over an attack on American diplomats in Libya because liberals opposed war with Iraq based on lies. And wallow, just wallow, in self-pity over the horrendous persecution visited upon anti-government fanatic organizations by the toothless IRS. Oh the humanity of having to wait a little bit for tax-exempt status from the government you hate with every fiber of your being.
Just because.
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