Tuesday, November 13, 2012

They are not backing down

As if to test whether the election solved anything, a friend of mine posted this on his fb page.
[G]o and punch a member of the tea party in the face and see how fast they rely on a social service such as the police department. morons.
And, right on cue, a few teabaggers rose to bite the stinkbait.
I think you might be missing the point lol. P.S. many tea partiers carry guns, juss sayin
I support the tea party n i dare somebody to punch me in the face, i dont call the police  
By crybaby liberals who call on them for petty reasons
 i should have stated that i am a proud independant who has no problem with fair taxation with representation and i think our "bipartisan" government is a joke wasting our money, and i paid $72,000 in federal taxes last yr, in case anyone was wondering
This is just an excerpt from the conversation, responses from two different angry white guys. The point is, that this attitude is not going away. Dying out maybe, slowly, but these guys look to be in their thirties. The last one always gets me, it means he had at least $144,000 take home. I served my country, did well in school and did not gross half the amount he claims to have paid in taxes in my best year. Poor baby. Is it simply a measure of victimization among the tea-bag crowd? I paid all this money in taxes and got nothing in return. Except a strong military that ensures the state's sovereignty to maintain my freedom, courts that guarantee my property rights and contracts, police that make my neighborhood safe, my garbage and mail picked up without fail, and social insurance for old age, etc. You know, because government magic makes all these things possible and taxes are simply a penalty for success.

It would have been great if the rejection of mitt romney's doomsday plan had led to an easing of tensions between Americans, but electoral defeat so far has not dampened the anger on the right in any appreciable way. Politics will still be taboo for real people to talk about face to face. Is it possible to be a conservative and not be angry, loud, violent, obnoxious, arrogant, and ideologically rigid?

So what is the answer? Let them stew. We on the non-right wing side, the reality-based community if you will, spend far too much time worrying about "them." Why bother? They are irrelevant, and rather unpleasant to talk to or even be around. The real world won, we have no reason to apologize to dead-enders like the ones above. They are wrong about everything, why let them lie to us anymore? Let them lie to each other, and let us get on with the work of marginalizing them and repairing all the damage the selfishness has caused.

Sure, they'll keep provoking. And where they still have power, they will use it to harm others. But the tide might finally be turning.

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