Wednesday, September 19, 2012

We built that, even the socialist messiah

Even though it has been thoroughly debunked literally thousands of times, wingnuts continue to insist on selectively editing the President's "You didn't build that" quote to somehow mean business owners and their businesses. Over and over they invoke "You didn't build that" and over and over thinking people have to say "back up the tape ten seconds." If you do back it up to what is a full sound bite, the meaning of that phrase becomes clear. From Factcheck:
There’s no question Obama inartfully phrased those two sentences, but it’s clear from the context what the president was talking about. He spoke of government — including government-funded education, infrastructure and research — assisting businesses to make what he called “this unbelievable American system that we have.”
In summary, he said: “The point is … that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together.” (emphasis mine)
So, professional manipulators took what is a completely reasonable point, chopped it down, added their own interpretation and in the process completely changing the context to accomodate their bullshit, and built an entire and completely lame convention out of it. With massive ad buys to supplement the lie. It is so crass, so utterly deceitful, that it could only come from a deeply damaged mind. And anyone who repeats this crock of shit is really saying "I have absolutely no critical thinking skills, please castrate me."

Pulling this doozy out says far more about the person saying it, and their willingness to buy a lie, than about the non-wingnut it is meant to silence. Because it reinforces the caricature built up about the all-too-mortal and flawed man who somehow became president despite the temper tantrums of wingnuts. What it really is is a disconnection from reality, very dangerous for the continuation of democracy. I pray no reasonable people believe the crap that surrounds this manipulated quotation because if anyone does... well we really have fully and finally taken up residence in fantasyland.

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