Thursday, September 6, 2012

The condescension of Ann Romney

The wife of Mitt Romney, republican candidate for president, is appearing more and more like Marie Antoinette, Imelda Marcos, or most ominously Madame Nhu, better known as the Dragon Lady of Saigon. I dislike criticising wives of the candidates, but Mrs. Romney's predilection for using "you people" when addressing non-republicans has set her apart.

Madame Nhu

But don't take my word for it. Here is commentary by an Hispanic columnist on why a woman seeking to be First Lady of all of America should not be setting herself above the American people.
Ann Romney is not running for office, but her recent remarks about the Latino community show the Right’s mentality on minority votes and, on a personal level, showed her contempt for people like me.
At a recent luncheon, Mrs. Romney went on about how Latinos need to understand that the GOP, and her husband in particular, are working in the best interest of Latinos in this country. She gushed over how much damage another Obama presidency will do to us and how we’re just uninformed about current issues and policies.
It’s us, not them, she tells us.
I like to think my arguments are better than just flinging insults or calling names, but I would like to vent a little steam before starting by saying that Ann Romney sounds like any abusive husband on a Lifetime movie telling his battered wife that it’s her fault she’s on the ground doubled over.

Why on Earth would Hispanics not trust the republican party?

The reason Latino voters vote Democrat is because the overwhelming majority of Republicans who actually address Latino concerns usually do so in order to profile or discriminate. Arizona’s various laws that target us specifically come to mind. The idea of the border fence, now part of Romney’s plan, was also from the Right. Destroying the DREAM Act, a law that would have granted a path to citizenship to children who did not break the law but were instead brought here by their parents, showed that your party has no interest in immigrants being here at all.
The Republican Party has not just ignored the Latino community, but has instead gone out of its way to even deny we exist.
In Arizona, Chicano studies were taken away under the banner of protecting the people from inflammatory rhetoric. My history, and the fact that Latinos struggled to become part of this country, is now seen as subversive.
Voter suppression proposals hurt minorities and are being pushed specifically because we tend to against you and your ilk.
American citizens have been detained and sometimes deported simply because they were Hispanic. In these cases, they were afforded almost none of the rights any criminal would expect. A suspected murderer would receive more protection under the law than Jose on the Street simply because of skin color or heritage.
My family has certainly adapted. We speak English and Spanish. I myself have worked as a Congressional speechwriter and correspondent, teacher, tutor, blogger, and freelance artist. I have nothing more than a speeding ticket on my record, I pay my taxes, and would consider myself a good citizen.
And yet I have a higher chance of getting arrested due to GOP policies than Romney does for tanking several companies in order to make a profit.
I know, I know. These were not Romney’s policies. Just other members of his party that acted and were not chastised by the Right. What has Mitt Romney, however, done for the Latino community?
Obama hasn’t done much for us either, but that’s mostly because the GOP has obstructed everything he has tried to do, often simply because they don’t want him to win.
Let me be blunt now. Mitt Romney’s policies, and those of his party, will hurt us. They will hurt ALL of us. All this talk about regulation for banks, Super PACS, and all that other stuff is academic for most people. The truth is that my family, friends, and I have to live with these laws targeting us because of our skin and our heritage. They affect us directly. When someone says immigrants are hurting our country, when people shout that we need a border fence or that we need to shoot people crossing illegally, they’re talking about my community…
But it’s nice for the nice, rich white lady to tell me how I don’t know what I’m talking about.
Mrs. Romney, THIS is why we don’t vote for your party. You also keep referring to us as “you people.” Please stop it. When you, for example, say things like this.
And making pictures like this:


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