Monday, September 3, 2012

"Simultaneously ridiculous and heartless"

Ryan's Budget: The Most Fraudulent Proposal in American History

of the $4 trillion in spending cuts he proposes over the next decade, two-thirds involve cutting programs that mainly serve low-income Americans. And by repealing last year’s health reform, without any replacement, the plan would also deprive an estimated 34 million nonelderly Americans of health insurance.
This deep cutting might tangentially have some merit to the beltway crowd that worries so about deficits and the government promising too much to the sans collottes. But alas, the vice presidential candidate's (and by extension, romney and the entire gop) budget proposal is pure class warfare disguised in concern over "sustainability" or whatever mask they wish to use this week.

Lyin' Ryan calls these cuts “a hammock that lulls able-bodied people to lives of dependency and complacency.” Sure.

The simultaneous part is a call for even deeper cuts to taxes for the already filthy rich. In fact he calls for an end to all taxation of unearned income, in the name of job creation of course. How the 1% would use their windfall to create jobs, as if it was a real goal, remains still unclear beyond demonstrably false ideological assertions.

So, as if eviscerating any government program that might help people while cutting taxes for the leisure class is not enough, lyin' ryan wants even more. The discrepency between the cruel cuts to services and the mammoth tax cuts are to be made up by "closing loopholes." While which ones are not clear, uber rich romney and his sychophantic lapdog lyin' ryan are certainly not going to close loopholes that supposedly aid in the mythical "job creation" of oil companies, pharmacuticals, etc. No, you lucky duckies in the middle class must sacrifice. You will give up mortgage interest deductions, education and childcare deductions. Sure life is not fair, for several generations people looked to government to use it's power to mitigate the unfairness caused by capitalism and class warfare. The capitalists acquiesed for a time because their lavish lifestyles were threatened by an outside force. The cold war, communism, and communist states, vicious as they were, served as a bulwark against plutocratic capture of government and the forces of darkness here.

The mask is finally dropped. Multi-national corporations and individuals flex their muscles to gain all the advantage while sticking patriotic Americans with the bill. And they have the money, resources, and media outlets to convince those patriotic Americans to go along.

So, if you think life isn't fair now. Wait until the next turn of the worm. Or you can fight back now. It is up to you.

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