I just watched the NBC nightly news segment on Sikh Temple shooter Wade Michael Page. They showed a picture of him in one of those "Larry the Cable Guy" shirts with the sleeves cut off, then interviewed his neighbor. The neighbor claimed the circular tattoo on his shoulder had something to do with 9/11/01 and all the Americans who died that day.
The Celtic Cross with 14 in the center does not have any connection to 9/11. I would like to know what the heck they all keep talking about.
Here's what the "14" means. "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children."
That should really tell you all you need to know about his motivations. There are not that many of these guys around, but they are serious. Not beer-bellied teabaggers whining and moaning about how the [non-white, non-christian people] are taking over. And not a pussy like this either:
So how do we tell the difference? I don't know for sure, but a real skinhead would make a punk like kevin here eat the curb. Just for being a poseur.
UPDATE: Motherjones took a closer look at Page's tattoos and came to a similar conclusion. One think I am puzzled over is what was Page doing in WI in the first place? He seems to have been all over and only recently came to this state. The reports point to his girlfriend, and some falling out they had sparked Page's decision to go to the Temple. This picture is now making the rounds, and while it is certainly correct, if law enforcement is to stop the "next" one the why? is an important question.

I do not want anything in this essay to suggest that I am rationalizing or even excusing mass murder. But there should be a distinction made between a real Neo-Nazi who simply sees all nonwhite people as inferior beings unworthy of life and a willfully ignorant domestic terrorist like kevin above who will make threats to try and scare people. Neo-Nazis like Page are not really terrorists, they do not primarily try to intimidate their targets. They simply want to kill them.
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