There seems to be some evidence that the media, mainstream objective outlets, are turning away from simply conveying information and talking points presented to them by politicians. Instead of uncritical reporting of both sides under a "false equivalence" fallacy, there are small budding instances where fact checking is making a comeback. In a false equivalence scenario, each side (supposedly) has the opportunity to present it's case and criticise the other side's case. The immediate problem with this method of journalism is that it provides no accountability for blatant lying and treats conservative propaganda as somehow rooted in reality. Then leaves all the responsibility for calling out that lying on Democrats, who at best are treated as simply partisans smearing their opposition, and usually just left speechless at each upping of the ante on deception and manipulation.
James Fallows at the Atlantic wrote that "the realities of modern 'post-truth' politics will sooner or later force the press out of its preferred, comfortable pose of "balance," if it is to come close to doing its fundamental job of describing reality. When some people in public life are willing to lie, and to keep on lying even when the bald falseness is exposed, the press should take on an affirmative responsibility to remind readers what the 'truth' is."
Fallows cites a few instances that, along with Soledad's continuing smackdown of liars, has the potential to reshape what Americans think about mainstream media. Of course, the "Liberal Media" assertion will be shouted even louder but how likely is it that more people than now will believe it? There is little hope of reclaiming the ignorant fishbowl-dwelling conservatives who believe what they believe no matter what and only seek to have their closed-minded non-thinking reinforced by their side. But this still leaves perhaps 75% of Americans who have no interest in being lied to by anyone.
What happens when any republican going on CNN is not granted plutocratic deference and actually has to account for discrepancies between their talking points and that annoying thing called "reality?" Will my new sweetheart keep the fact-checking up? This would be an unprecedented turn of events if the public perception of republicans finally switches from bullies to whining little babies.
The circuit could close with plutocratic liars and the prostitutes who service them really talking only to themselves. A clear delineation of objective media willing to fact check claims made by either side from partisan media, like this example of the all-too-common game of "bash the poor," is essential. Too much of the authoritarian bullying in our society has come from the fact that there is no referee, no one or institution capable of saying "Enough!"
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