"There are two kinds of pro-life people. The ones that are actually pro-life and oppose abortion to the extent that they will use any legal method to reduce unwanted pregnancies and not just try to ban abortions." (emphasis in original)
"But then there’s the other kind of pro-'life' person. This group doesn’t really care about abortion at all but only seek to use unwanted pregnancies to punish women for having sex. These people are the sickest of creatures. The first group sees pregnancy as a miracle. The second sees it as retribution for being a whore. The first is motivated by love. The second is motivated by a hatred of women that is difficult to fathom."
I assume the former group must exist, though personally I have only encountered various examples of the latter who hold the "hatred of women" far higher than the love of the "unborn." Not just men either. In fact the women that hate other women for being "whores" in some cases are even more vicious. It always comes down to this mythical source of support called "welfare." The right has done such a wonderful job demonizing that word and anyone who dares seek public assistance that in my lifetime I have yet to come across anyone who does not share the basic premise that "they" "deserve" to starve in the street. There are never any extenuating circumstances that could justify anyone getting anything at any time, no matter what.
Mr. FLS stated that the exchange he reported came about due to this picture that I posted recently as well.
I still am taken aback by the stark, concise TRUTH of this picture. But it really helps explain how right-wing demagogues are able to channel the hatred of women and the joy of sex and intimacy by many of these pro life charlatans, as Mr. FLS has termed them, into attacks on the very legitimacy of the state. It is also easy to see why the 1% have such an easy time both perpetrating and escaping any accountability for their crimes when so many plc's are out there willing to jump down any one's throat who does not share their hatred of neighbors. This is a fundamental problem in America today, the reason OWS and other genuine protest movements are unable to gain any traction against the crusty greedheads that make so many Americans poor. So long as this significant minority can bleat out "TWO LEGS BAD, FOUR LEGS GOOD" on cue it will be nearly impossible to assemble the critical mass necessary for real change.
I would be more than happy to make common cause with religious people who genuinely want us all to be able to raise our families in peace and actually reduce unwanted pregnancies. But as long as these wolves exist among them it will most likely not happen.
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