And so we return to my long and unpopular crusade for public safety. I only made it through about three lines of owen's radical and dangerously extreme response to Al Rudnitzki's emotional plea for sanity regarding the spread of gun mania last time around. So, though in the frame of journalism and blogging this exchange is already ancient history, I mean to continue without regard for timeliness. I am an historian and as such issues do not even really enter my horizon for twenty years. However, we do not have that kind of time.
The above picture perfectly encapsulates the gun-maniac radical agenda. And we have owen to thank for laying bare what the gun-maniacs are after. Not hunting rights, not the right to collect things, not the right to defend their homes and families; power. That's it. Pushing relentlessly to expand the public places where private individuals can carry a concealed weapon allows gun-maniacs to dominate others. This turns any public place into a potentially dangerous area. Let's examine some of owen's words and how they relate to and reinforce the ideas conveyed in the picture. Al asked:
"Where does this gun mania end?"Mania, eh? If supporting the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights is a “mania,” then count me as a maniac. Thanks for your permission, from now on Owen Robinson is a maniac.
"What is the danger we face in the library?
The same as anywhere else. Last time I checked, there weren’t armed guards in the library or security checkpoints. Any fool with a gun could walk in there. Why can’t an armed citizen? Again, who but a maniac is worried about other fools with guns going into the library?
As I argued last time around, this attitude is not conservative. Nor is it very American. In fact the attitude that you need a gun concealed on your person anywhere you go is deeply radical, the mindset of institutionalized anarchy.
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