Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hello! My name is Glenn Grothman and I drink my own pee.

From Thinkprogress:
Why does he always look like he's snarling?
My state senator really is the unrestrained id of the republican party. You may remember some of his greatest hits such as "single parenthood is child abuse" or "money is just not important to women" (why he voted against equal pay laws). Now he comes right out and says what we all know, that disenfranchising voters through poll taxes/ID is just a political ploy to elect republicans.

“Insofar as there are inappropriate things, people who vote inappropriately are more likely to vote Democrat,” got that?

"Right. I think if people cheat, we believe the people who cheat are more likely to vote against us."

Or in other words, voting against republicans is cheating.

In case anyone was wondering, no, we really didn't elect this guy. He "won" a special election and then ran unopposed the next time around. This year will be the first time he will be in a real election, with an actual opponent.

If you would like to see more of glenn's greatest hits, we have a dedicated local blogger who has spent several years chronicling this large child's abuses of decency and common sense. See him here, and say thank you for all his hard work.

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