Not for long suckers.
Here are your new bookshelves:
Some in this area may remember that a few years ago (about a month after Barack Obama was inaugurated, but I'm sure it was just a coincidence) a glassy-eyed whale named ginny made a giant stink about our local library carrying some materials that she didn't happen to like. It was a classic case of a so-called "Christian" demonstrating intolerant and bigoted behavior, self-righteously proclaiming that the library should only serve her needs. Even though she rarely used it. This was after she had been swatted away from the school system as a nuisance for trying to legalize bullying there.
So, after getting her modest proposal unanimously dismissed by the reality-based library board, 'lil miss ginny went on a crusade to attack the library and anyone who disagreed with her fundamentalist stance. She made a bloated spectacle of herself, chasing down any microphone or tv camera with vehemence usually reserved for the pursuit of bon bons. And to this day her blog is littered with the propaganda feces of recognized hate groups such as focus on the family and the eagle forum.
While ginny remains the main face and spokespig for hate and intolerance in West Bend, WI, she at least wasn't advocating openly for the library to become the OK Corral. The "unsafe" materials she was protecting the fragile eggshell minds of West Bend's young people from were books. It is hard to physically harm someone with a book, unless you swing it really hard at just the right angle.
For that we look to the oily stealth candidates slinking in the weeds, waiting to parasitically attach themselves to city government and drain it of common sense. You have to hand it to this crowd, instead of simply whining when the light of day exposes their schemes to be utterly ridiculous, they simply infiltrate government and figuratively turn the gun around. Organization is powerful, so unlike my new pal rudy who just complains about the injustice of not being able to get a salmonella-soaked burger after stumbling out at bar close, the West Bend zealots simply take over and impose their radical agenda.
I already said my piece about vinney pheng, who snuck onto the school board recently. But apparently there is a guy who recently snuck onto the common council for whom simply sabotaging schools isn't good enough. Tony Turner seems to have made his central issue and reason for polluting local government the "travesty" that the library staff was able to get the building and grounds designated a "no weapons zone."
Library appointment approved
Daily News Staff
"Mayor Kraig Sadownikow found a new appointment to the West Bend Library Board that even Alderman Tony Turner could approve.
Jacob Zabkowicz, a product manager for a benefits company in Mequon, was approved on an 8-0 vote by the Common Council on Monday. He replaces former board President James Fowler, whose reappointment by the mayor last month was rejected by the council on a 4-3 vote.
In April, Turner said he would not vote for anyone to return to the Library Board who voted last November to make the West Bend Community Library a gunfree building.
He said that 5-2 vote violated the Second Amendment and made the library a “safe zone” for criminals.
Turner, a newly appointed member of the Library Board himself, asked Zabkowicz how he felt about the Second Amendment.
“I do believe in the Second Amendment,” Zabkowicz said.
The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
City resident Zabkowicz also said he is a member of the National Rifle Association and has a new Wisconsin conceal-carry gun license.
Along with Turner and Zabkowicz, the nine-member Library Board includes Judith Schaar and Ralph Schlass, whose reappointments Turner opposed and other aldermen opposed, new appointee Matthew Stevens, and reappointed Douglas Rakowski. The board also includes Chris Jenkins, Jack Chamberlain and Dave Krochalk."
So, in a way ginny is finally proved right. The library will no longer be a safe place for... anyone.
If you can't defeat it, defund it, if you can't do that, just make it so unpalatable that you can finally rid this "christian conservative" town of any sense of public purpose. And anyone who disagrees be damned. To quote the legendary Bill Hicks "This is why I pray for NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST IN FIVE MINUTES!" But, gun freaks who would actually want to bring their weapons into the library would probably turn out to be like cockroaches, able to survive the atomic bomb.
WHY WHY WHY do guns have to be absolutely everywhere before these types will feel safe?
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