"On Monday morning, just a week before the recall primary, Scott Walker, with his entourage of Lt. Governor Becky Kleefisch and Workforce Development Secretary Reggie Newson, comes traipsing to Milwaukee to take a shot at potential recall opponent Mayor Tom Barrett by announcing a scheme he dubbed 'Transform Milwaukee.'"
As Capper accurately states, this is "blatant politicking." To what end? Unclear, but I suppose there may be a few people unaware of walker's actions as governor and Milwaukee county executive, but at the same time will take notice of walker's sudden conversion to you know, doing his job. Just more wasting public funds really. And acting the vindictive bully and thug he imagines union workers to be. I mean, if there is any group walker has shit on more than teachers, it is the people of Milwaukee.
Of particular interest to those of us who laughed at the man who campaigned on "believing in Wisconsin again" and all the jobs he would bring into the state. "Even when he was county executive, Walker was a failure at creating jobs. So much so that in 2007, then Governor Jim Doyle had to take the Private Industry Council, which was supposed to help train and find employment for Milwaukee's poor and minorities, away from Walker and give it to Mayor Tom Barrett."
Also mentioned, the damage willfully inflicted on the city's transit system and budget cuts that system has suffered at the hands of ideological zealots like walker. If ever there was a poster child for federalism and keeping local services out of the hands of radicals at other levels, this is it. For when voters experience a mass outbreak of ergot-inspired lunacy to elect a drooling baboon who then proceeds to destroy the state in order to save it, there is some kind of firewall.
In closing:
"This stunt was nothing but a cynical piece of political game-playing. Like all of his "job creating" proposals, this is nothing more than a smoke and mirrors act while he doles out more taxpayer money to his wealthy friends and campaign contributors, while letting those who would cling onto his false promises sit and rot.
It's one thing to continuously attack a group of people because of greed and misguided - OK, insane - ideology. But then to come back and dangle a phony life preserver in front of the people he's thrown overboard is indescribably cruel."
We used to believe in a place called hell, where people who take actions like these of their own free-will go when they die and are judged. Here are a couple previews Scooter.
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