Saturday, May 19, 2012

The perfect metaphor

Cat people will love this, okay most of them probably along with everyone else will just think the old GH has finally flipped his lid.
I was cleaning the mutha&*)*(&)ing litter box yesterday and it finally hit me that the box was the perfect representation of the American state, institutions, etc. The litter media is all of us regular people and the clumps are all the corruption, rottenness, and assorted other filth that needs to be sifted out regularly. If anyone is still reading and I haven't driven everyone to run screaming to the nearest hot shower, I'll try to explain.

First of all, the box looks like this right. It has a screen inside, you roll it onto its side and all the clumps fall into the drawer. Use your imagination if you don't have furry little terrorists constantly shedding around your house and chasing dust or rubber bands at 3am, making an awful racket.
Just trust me, this thing is vastly superior to the pan and scoop method. So the metaphor rolling around in my head is that the pan was America pre-New Deal, and the covered one above is the system of reforms instituted from the Great Depression on. See where I am going yet?

Now, the box worked great for a while. Then, whether I rolled it too hard or it just wasn't made very well, the tabs that hold the top and bottom halves together snapped in a few places. No problem, I just got out the duct tape and fixed them back together. Sometimes the screen gets knocked out of the joining groove and I have to get inside and fix it again. Here's the allegory.

The New Deal worked pretty well for Americans, sifting out the crap that used to happen before. Then along comes ronald reagan, who snapped the tabs and left lots of Americans falling through the cracks. Bill Clinton then slapped some duct tape on the box (system) and muddled along for a while, things looked like they'd be alright. No fundamental changes were neccessary, just fix the old box.

Then george w bush arrived. He didn't just rip off the duct tape but stomped on the box until it was basically worthless. Corruption, fraud, inequality, and all manner of rottenness built up in America until the box basically collapsed.

Finally, Barack Obama was elected to clean up the incredible mess. Bush didn't just break the system, he didn't clean it for eight years. Then the lazy sabotour slinked away. So first, Obama tried to just reuse the tape ripped off by bush with the stimulus and bailouts. But as we all know how duct tape doesn't work very well if removed and reapplied, our system was still pretty messed up from all the corruption and cronyism woven into its fabric. Then Obama was left with having to scoop out the lumps by hand, which if you've ever tried to do in a covered box you know is very hard. All the while the republicans do everything they can to stop him, aaaaannd bitch and moan about why it's taking so long.

Bottom line, cats are kind of useless and evil creatures.

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