Saturday, April 28, 2012

Lazy Boots

Having tracked the comment thread on Owen's blog all day, I am more convinced than ever that there are some really ugly people around here. This campaign season is going to be even more ugly than the last one. I have never been involved with a local race like this, where "official" actions are personal. Decisions are personal. Second, it is awfully easy to rack up 19000+ posts if all you do is cut and paste.

I have been urged to write letters to the editor in support of Tanya's campaign. Somehow it seems different than blogging. This is my space. What am I going to say? It would be weird. Even when I do attract the occasional troll on this page, they go away with nary a wave of my hand. I always feel like a letter to the editor, where someone is going to judge whether or not to print it, has to be utterly perfect. My perfectionist streak, like dumping the extra evidence into an essay question to make it harder to criticize, causes freezes. I do not like being judged by people with less than a Ph.D. Maybe it is time to give this up and concentrate on professional, academic writing.

Things are never really going to change, and nothing I do is going to matter either way.

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