Quite a few people outside of Washington County, WI are now aware of the bigoted creep we have representing us in the State Senate. Glenn Grothman is a frumpy excuse for a man who says awful things about women and vulnerable members of our society. He is a self-proclaimed leader of the tea party in Wisconsin and therefore stands for all the misspelled signs expounding racism and aggression from that freakshow.
This is his newly-announced opponent in the upcoming election, Tanya Lohr. A more diametrically opposed candidate could not have been found. Tanya stands for all that is decent and civilized in American society. She is a dedicated teacher, spouse, and parent. Tanya became an activist not out of some personal ambition or lust for fame, but because she was sick of the right's zealous drive to destroy all that is good. She is a genuine and sincere champion for enlightened reason and civic responsibility.
Here is the story on Tanya's announcement from her hometown West Bend Daily News. And let the mudslinging begin. Grothman summons all the bile-filled disrespect he can muster to attack her as representing "special interests." As though working people in this state, our wives, sisters, mothers, daughters; and the dedicated, underappreciated professionals who teach our children are a special interest akin to his friends in the class-conscious and highly aggressive business community. Business has received more special favors and rents from Grothman's republican partners-in-crime just in the last year than education could ever dream of. But no matter, if you are the submissive brownshirt-in-waiting that believes the nonsense coming out of Grothman's piehole then you don't deserve to live in the decent society Tanya will be fighting for anyway.
Nearby Port Washington also ran a story on Tanya's announcement. This story attempts to place her candidacy in the middle of the determined campaign by republicans to put all women back in the kitchen. So what if they refuse to admit that their consistent attacks on equal pay, reproductive rights, and the rote rollbacks of the rights of women to sue employers for discrimination constitutes a "war on women?" An aggressor never admits they are attacking, it is always "self-defense." Make no mistake, everything we have seen since the 2010 phyrric victory of the disgusting liars in the gop has been a full-court press to wreck the lawful government from the inside and reduce the United States to a banana republic.
Finally, Bluecheddar posted about Tanya's candidacy and spelled out all grothman's offenses against civilized society while listing Tanya's credentials as a Child of Light in this war for decency. I would like in the future to examine more closely just how clear the choice is between the two and how this race will fit in the Wisconsin uprising. For now, it is inspiring to see a regular person enter politics and give hope to many of us who have been taking it on the chin ever since scott walker and his koch-fueled band of thieves came to town.
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