I could not believe it at first, but the sustained pressure on limbaugh really seems to be working. The suprise being in the choice of his many libelous attacks finally got some traction. Why and how did calling a college girl a slut and prostitute awaken outrage? He says awful things like that on practically a daily basis. I personally think he should have been driven off the air when he called Chelsea Clinton the White House dog. While that stunt helped get him off TV, the oxymoronic "excellence in broadcasting" empire continued. Limbaugh keeps getting expanded presence on TV and keeps getting thrown out for being an incredible jackass.
Now, normally, venom-spewing shitbags on AM radio go about their business of atomizing and polarizing Americans who should know better without drawing attention from the larger society. This is the biggest flareup in my memory over a slathering personal attack made in the dark underground of AM radio. Radio is the perfect medium for disseminating propaganda One-way broadcasts allow the host to lie, distort, and misdirect with impunity. The only opposition heard is selected, filtered, and controlled by the men behind the curtain. Any liberals allowed on the air are those deemed clueless enough to be smacked down by the host. Or, simply take the rush approach and have no one on. A daily sermon of hate and division.
The rush program is a highly profitable (whether the boycotts and advertiser drops will have any effect is yet unclear) medium that defends the fascist side to the hilt and blames all ills on Democrats. Just as schoolkids need refresher courses after summer break, every election season brings fresh attempts to brand Party positions and introduce the narrative to the public. The advantage brought to the conservative brand (whose ideas are wholly unpopular across a broad spectrum of the electorate) is the consistant, year-round narrative that deceives and misdirects listeners but reinforces self-proclaimed identity among the faithful. Rush is simply the end-product of a vast and sophisticated machine that analyzes, interprets, and filters reality through the right-wing imagination. This process was detailed extremely well in Eric Alterman's What Liberal Media? (pdf review here), and David Brock's The Republican Noise Machine (wiki entry). Of course, these books are somewhat out-of-date for the contemporary situation, given the success of the corporate inside's D.C. machine where big money simply buys politicians outright of both parties and changes laws as they see fit.
This is where, as I can see it from the outside, rush may have finally outlived his usefulness to the business community. As mentioned before, right-wing hate radio is extremely profitable; but the money comes from somewhere. Now that koch's and the other big players' in the corporate takeover of government machinery is all but complete, they (the inside) has little need for a bombastic pig like rush to get what they want. So rush may be headed for the great dust-bin of discarded conservative heroes. Every once in a while, the masters need to make a sacrifice that can keep pitchforks pointed away from the real agenda. Rush may have been too successful in building the army of dittoheads, aka teabaggers, that by this point they can push their masters' agenda without massive expenditures. And it is always good to remind the functionaries that they have power only insofar as the real masters allow it. For years now, rush has been titular kingmaker and power to be heeded by the transient gop politicians. It may have been decided over expensive scotch and cigars in back rooms that he has outlived his usefulness and may actually decide that his power is so great as to actually start making independent decisions. Not that any decisions he would make would run counter to the real agenda, but if rush has approached the limits of control there is a need to dump him like a hot rock.
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