Monday, March 26, 2012

But why?

"If your 18 yrs old the law requires you to carry i.d. so whats the big deal if you have to show i.d. before voting? whats going to stop dishonest people that write mickey mouse on recall petitions from using my name to vote?"
This is an awfully odd way for a conservative, someone who supposedly values tradition and the status quo, to frame their support for stripping people of voting rights. But, this was one of many comments I found opposing the unconstitutional ruling on WI's voter ID law by a court. Left unsaid is the rigid conventionalism in minds like this, that everyone must live according to "my" standards. If you refuse to obey my will, then you pay the consequences. In this case, you can't vote because I believe (in spite of all evidence to the contrary) that voter fraud is throwing elections. Also left unsaid is the hatred of a democracy that elects people to office that disagree with me. It should be said that the commentor describes himself as a "libertarian" you know, someone who feels the government is too involved in our lives. So, forcing everyone to get a state-approved ID is in line with his small-government ideals when it will prevent anyone getting into office that might want to expand the role of government. But, consistancy is supposed to be a libertarian value, sigh.
Reference material.

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